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CHAPTER TWENTY THREE( race against the clock )

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( race against the clock )

When Thea woke the next morning, she had an ache in her back. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned softly as the dull pain moved up her spine, that was the last time she would ever sleep on the booth seat at The Wreck. She sat up and placed her arm on the back cushion of the seat, her other hand rubbing at her eye as she pried the sleep out of it. As the sleepiness left her eyes, she looked around at her surroundings, JJ was sitting across the room, looking out the window at the marsh just across the way.

She pushes herself out of the booth and stands to her feet, stretching her arms up before she headed over to JJ. He gives her a tiny smile as she makes her way over, opening his arms for her to walk into. She happily accepts his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck as his own snaked around her waist.

"Good morning." She tells him softly, toying with the blonde hairs on the nape of his neck.

JJ scoffs, "Nothing good about it."

"Yeah, you're right." Thea pursed her lips, "Bad choice of words." She hears some movement close by and she looks over her shoulder, Pope is getting to his feet from the booth, looking like he just woke up. "Hey, Pope." He gives her a slight nod in greeting, making his way towards the both of them.

She notices that he looks exhausted, but more so irritated. She's almost sure that his sour mood is from last night's events, him being rejected by Kie—who is still sound asleep—still very fresh on the mind. It must be hard for him to take, what with she and JJ being happy and together, probably giving him some hope, only for him to confess his feelings for Kie only for her to understandably shoot him down.

Pope just needed a little time, she just hoped his hurt feelings wouldn't get in the way of anything.

"He's pinched for sure, man." JJ says, speaking to Pope as he joins them.

"No." Pope denies, looking out the window. "They wouldn't still be patrolling if they found him."

Thea nibbles on her lower lip, "All we can do is have hope."

"You know," Kie's voice grabs their attention, "We were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too."

Pope shakes his head, "Well, if we're gonna be outlaws, we might as well help John B." He walks over to his pile of things and grabs the keys, they jingle in his hands as he walks towards the door.

"So, find him before they do?" JJ asked, trying to understand what their next move was gonna be. But Pope didn't bother with a reply, and JJ didn't give up, "Pope?" He tried once more, trying to pry an answer out of the dark haired boy.

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