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CHAPTER FIFTEEN ( out with a bang )

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( out with a bang )

AFTER Topper left the Pogues headed back to the chateau, as expected John B didn't say anything to Sarah. She didn't blame him, she wouldn't have anything to say if she were in in his shoes either. Sarah walked into the chateau to take a shower and change, and Thea walked inside to John B's room and grabs her backpack. She walks out of the back door of the chateau and walks to the only unoccupied space.

She sits down on the couch in the backyard, and she flips opens up her sketch pad and pulls out her pencils from her backpack. Just as she begins to sketch out some lines, JJ walks over and drops next to her.

"Hey." He greets her, observing as she sketches in her book. "So... I just tried to ask Sarah and John B if they wanted a beer, and both of them just stormed off. How much you wanna bet that it had something to do with Topper, and Sarah not telling him that she and John B are married?"

A scoff leaves her lips, "How much you got?" She glanced over at him, "That was a shitshow." She breathes out a soft sigh, twiddling her pencil between her fingers. "I can't even begin to imagine how John B must be feeling right now."

"If I were him I'd be pissed." JJ replies, "I mean, he pretty much married the girl, all romantic and Prince Charming and shit. And she doesn't even claim him. And why? Because Topper is here and she's afraid of hurting his feelings."

Thea rolls her eyes, "Fuck Topper. I mean, I'm grateful that he saved her or whatever, but we were all here at the chateau last night, he should've brought her back."

"But instead he played white knight to her all night, and made her feel like she could trust him again." He scoffs, "That's some Kook ass bullshit."

"Yeah." She nods at him before looking down at her sketch page, "You can say that again."

She sketches out the outline of the Twinkie, because it's the first thing that comes the mind as her pencil moves. And as she draws the exterior of the van, she hears a phone buzz and her concentration is broken. She looks at JJ and sees him pull out his phone, his brows knit together and his lips pull into a confused frown.

She tilts her head, "Who is it?"

"Guffy." He shows her the contact ID on his phone, "Not sure why he would be calling me but I guess I'll answer." He taps the screen and holds the phone to his ear, "Yeah, Guffy?" Not long after he answers, his eyes grow big in alarm. "Yeah, I'll tell him." He nods and shoots to his feet, "We'll be right there." He quickly ends the call, "We gotta go to Heyward's, now."

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