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CHAPTER EIGHTEEN( truth bomb )

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( truth bomb )

The next day rolled around and Thea's eyelashes fluttered open, as she got used to the sunlight's rays in her eyes and the blurriness in her eyesight she realized one thing. She was definitely not outside in the frontyard at the chateau on the hammock anymore. Instead, she was laid on a soft bed, and as she looked around she noticed that it was John B's bedroom.

Her memories of the night before flooded through her mind, and her confusion faded, figuring that JJ must have relocated her sleeping frame without managing to wake her. She wasn't surprised, after all she was a really deep sleeper. As everything that happened last night came back to her, a bashful smile set upon her lips.

She placed her fingers to her lips, remembering the feel of JJ's lips on hers. She couldn't believe that she kissed him last night, that he kissed her back. That they had kissed eachother. She felt the need to pinch herself, to make sure it was all actually real, that it all happened. But she didn't need to, because right next to her, with his head face down in the pillows was the golden haired boy in question, JJ Maybank.

She smiles softly as she gazed down at him, she takes a hand and runs her fingers through his sleep mussed, golden blonde strands. She watches as he stirs in his sleep, turning over to see who was touching him. Once his eyes flutter open he blinks slowly, her face coming into view. The sleepy smile he shoots her creates a warm feeling in her chest.

"Morning, girlfriend." JJ says to her, rolling onto his back and holding out his arms for her to fall into.

"Morning, boyfriend." She goes with no hesitation, letting herself be held as she placed her head on his bare chest, and her arms wrapping around his middle back. "God, never thought I'd be able to say those words."

JJ snickered, "Yeah, you and me both, shortcake."

She snorts, shaking her head, "How did you sleep?"

"To be honest with you, better than I've slept in a really long time." JJ responded, tightening his hold on her. She had no idea she could feel so safe and secure in his arms.

"Yeah?" She murmured, pressing a gentle kiss on his chest. "Me too." A soft sigh leaves her lips, "So, John B should be back soon. You ready to face the music?"

JJ nods, leaning down and leaving a lingering kiss on her temple. "As long as I have you by my side, I'm ready for anything."

"Really?" She raised her brows, "Even the wrath of Kiara Carerra?"

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