Humble Elves (Ch 171) and Valentino drops Spoiler Bombs

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The normally wholesome and lovely chapter between Toonka and Cale left a sour taste in many mouths.

Not because they were disgusted at the friendship- no matter how many times Cale denies it. Also, not because Toonka has proven to actually own and use his brain cells.

Those with a higher understanding of politics were terrified.

What must have happened that four countries and a tribe saw the need to ally?

Especially the Whale Tribe. Wars on the land do not concern them. So, why would they actively interfere?

Many realized that the war with the Indomitable Alliance was just the beginning.

 Exclamations were thrown left and right. Nobles started panicking and thoughtlessly promised cooperation and whatnot. Pure chaos.

While Side A was in uproar, Side B was laughing at the pouting Cale, who once again was not impressed that his thoughts were being shown.

Cale felt the vibrations of Alberu laughing and pinched his dear hyung in the thigh, while certainly not silently appreciating Alberu's muscles. No.

"Human, human!", Raon voiced his complains, forgetting in the process that some people at the table didn't know of his existence as he was invisible throughout the previous videos.

Cale didn't want to risk his kids getting attacked in an unknown environment and instructed them to act like cats (On and Hong) and turn invisible while protecting the other two if needed (Raon).

After all the chaos, Cale and the kids simply forgot to reveal them.

"Why is this mighty Dragon not being shown? I am always by my human's side, so where am I?" The seven-years-old was sad that he only briefly appeared in the first sequence and was completely missing in the second.

They have to show his mighty Dragon self!

Cale patted Raon's head.

Alberu was getting ready to ask some questions and ended up unceremoniously choking at the sight of the adorable Dragon.

Rosalyn, who just recovered from meeting Dragons, had to face another one at her table. Feeling faint at heart, she envied her other self. Badly.

Choi Han was still out of it. The fact that the two worlds started similar but ended completely different was hard to swallow. Watching his other self being happy and at home made him want to cry. The fact that they have another dragon was not as shocking.

Luckily for Choi Han, he didn't recognize Raon as the berserk Dragon he killed two years back. How could he? Raon, a happy and slightly chubby- underfed if anyone asked Cale- Dragon compared to one that cut into his own life-force to achieve the feeling of a short but beautiful freedom? They were like day and night.

Raon, not mining the chaos he created, continued complaining to his parent.

"A Dragon?"


Raon, while complaining had canceled the cloaking magic and appeared before all of the spectating eyes in his full dragon glory.

Many people of Side A were watching Cale's table and had to gasp at the sight of Raon.


Some remembered that, yes, during the Plaza Terror Incident a Dragon was mentioned as well but most chose to ignore that fact.

Coming face to face with the information that a Dragon does travel and live with Cale was too shocking for some of them.


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