City of Life (Ch 100-103) and Good Girl Mary

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Crunch. Crunch.


Cale was annoyed. Really annoyed. His peaceful and lazy life is in danger because some higher form decided that his table is the perfect resting place.

Choi Han avoided his gaze and Alberu smiled. Those two have no idea either.

He probably spawned randomly during the last video and made himself at home. Snacks and drinks litter the area the god was sitting.


Please remind him again, why was murdering gods a bad idea?

"Why are you here?", Cale didn't even try to sound respectful. He made his annoyance clear to the handsome god a few seats over.

"I'm seeking comfort from my favorite human."

"Denied.", Cale ruthlessly rejected the God of Death.

Instead of being angered or offended, the god took another cookie and ate it with a small smile on his face while humming in appreciation.

Alberu, Choi Han, Rosalyn and Tasha were examining the stranger in various degrees of stealth. While Alberu and Rosalyn managed to subtly scrutinize the new arrival, Tasha's astonished eyebrow raise was telling enough.

Choi Han doesn't need to be mentioned. He was staring with wide eyes and an open hostility, ready for battle if the unknown individual decides to turn hostile.

His counterpart rolled his eyes at his obvious disdain for the incognito god.

Cale took a cookie as well. Two can play the game.

Crunch. Crunch.

They looked at each other with half-smiles on their faces. An amiable atmosphere in the air and tasty food. They appear to be friends.

Alberu threw his counterpart a questioning glance that was answered with a deadpan stare. The Emperor jut hoped that only one divine being decides on gracing their table.

He really hopes- not praying, that would be counterproductive- that the other gods will leave them alone.

The handsome silver-haired man was enjoying the chaos he created. Cale eyes were attempting murder, while Choi Han's head was steaming. The poor Swordmaster was probably trying to find a way out for his liege.

Cale had enough and wanted to address the god directly, but as soon as he opens his mouth to speak the words, his voice gets blocked.

He tried again. The same result.

He threw an angry glare at the culprit.

The God of Death selected another cookie and shared some information.

"You know, after we found ourselves in this room, I hid somewhere in the back. After a while I realized that some information can't be uttered. A shock, right? Anyways, after watching a few videos, I decided to come to your table for a bit. I hope I'm not a bother."

Cale and those that know who that individual is, were staring dumbfounded at the bullshit the god was uttering. That liar!

Alberu nodded along and introduced himself and his colleagues. He assured the poor man that his presence is not unwanted, not minding the poisonous glare from Cale and his counterpart's annoyed frown. Another person means more information, he can't miss that opportunity.

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