Preparations (193/ 194) and the Declaration of War

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While chaos reigned between various factions after Valentino couldn't help himself, two people were staring at each other in silence.

Kim Rok Soo and Cale Henituse* ignored the commotion a certain prince caused, their gazes were locked and no outsider would be able to join.

Where Kim Rok Soo acted nonchalant and took an elegant sip of his tea, the count didn't even try to show manners and stared almost without blinking at the black-haired team captain. Red-brown met red-brown.





Archie who was watching them saw that no words were exchanged, yet he had the feeling that they were talking. The Whale is not stupid, even if those bodies don't house the soul of the chaos loving commander, they are connected.

Those two shouldn't be normal as well and Archie won't involve himself with whatever they were producing over there. He values his life a bit too much and didn't want to meet his scary deceased great-grandmother yet.

Count Cale Henituse* came to a conclusion after evaluating his seemingly actual counterpart.

(Does he have two or who is his supposed double then? Soul and body got kind of split up???)

The other man was moving without a heavy burden on his shoulders. Cale* can still see the marks those years left on him, a small part of him wants to know how it could even get worse or if his counterpart just lived many years like he does now? Day to day, without true joys and simply living for the sake of living.

He doesn't fear death because of the pain. Cale* hates pain, the beating Choi Han* gave him years ago still lingers in his body and whenever someone raises a hand, the count automatically flinches. However, pain is a sign that he is still living and that means it is still possible to achieve his revenge.

Count Cale Henituse*, who took on the title he gave everything in his youth to avoid as there was no one else to take it. His distant relative would have loved to take the county, that is without a question, but they aren't Basen* or his father.

Only those two are allowed to proudly call themselves Count Henituse.

Feeling his emotions getting sadder as the seconds went by, Cale* focused on his supposed counterpart.

Now, the count doesn't know what the future looked like for the previous Cale or what changed, but he can see that Kim Rok Soo isn't lonely anymore.

Funny, isn't it? Here he could be, evaluating his counterpart's lifestyle or even his social history, yet the only thing Cale* cares about is whether his counterpart isn't as lonely as he is right now.

Cale* doesn't know what the fate of their world is, it probably won't end in peace and quiet. He doesn't know and he also doesn't want to find out. He wants the leader of those bastards to pay for his crimes, even if it means that he has to work with that hooligan of a hero.

This room here is like his own personal hell as well as salvation.

The count* can see not one but two versions of his family sitting there and while they are present in different states of mind, they are alive. He can't and won't go to them. What use would that have? Sitting here and talking with them only to return to a broken and lonely world after everything here is over.

It's better to live with a past loss then to gain and just lose again.

Yet, the knowledge that in another world things play out different, it is both a blessing and a curse. He doesn't know how, when or where things changed. Cale* also doesn't really want to know. His world is a lonely and broken shard of what was once a pretty if a bit damaged mirror.

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