A Guide on How to Make Choi Han Laugh (Maniacally) Part One (324-327)

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The screen luckily paused for a minute or two, giving people the time to let the last scene sink in. It didn't help in the 'somehow-I-should-just-accept-it-and-move-on' department or even the 'how-the-fuck-are-you-so-calm-I'm-freaking-out-right-now' area but that's a given.


They just watched Cale Henituse strangle the imperial crown prince, Adin, while nonchalantly acting like the biggest apex predator, which was a scary thing as they had literal dragons in their round.

'Caught you'.

How can two words combined sound so scary?!


Not to mention the unified actions of the dark elves and the brilliant strategy of the young master. Insidious is far too calm to describe the whole operation.

Commanders, nobles, strategists, and royals alike stared in awe at the devious plan of Cale Henituse. No matter how they think about it, this is truly the safest and most logical strategy that ensures the lowest death count. This way, the Mogoru Empire won't fall into a political ditch as badly as when a foreign army takes up arms and attacks the country. Not only did the royal family not have any idea or time to prepare, but the citizens also won't be able to unite under the same banner, fighting for their home after being blinded by propaganda.

Rex and his people will start a short but impactful civil war while Cale and his people will clean up the more volatile mess in the background, paving the cat knight a safe way to take control while also gaining the acknowledgment of the population.


The unnamed noble mentally praised Cale some more. He noticed that many had the same or similar expressions on their faces. Letting out a huge sigh of relief, the noble was just glad that he wasn't the only one who noticed and correctly interpreted Young Master Cale's actions.

Just one small thing is left.


The silence that normally would have descended after such a dramatic and normally rather impossible operation didn't arrive as loud laughter broke it every few seconds. Wheezing laughter with a hysterical if not amused edge resonated throughout the room.

The culprit is none other than Kim Roksoo, previously Cale Henituse.

The black-haired man was holding onto the table in front of him with one hand. The other was slung over his stomach in a futile attempt to stop his own descent into madness by laughing himself sick. Tears glided down from his eyes, leaving wet trails across his cheeks and forming a small puddle on the table. Cherry-red cheeks complimented an equally red face with his lips pulled so wide the noble is sure that the other man must be in great pain from all the maniacally laughing.

"You-hah, I-I-hahaha!" Kim Roksoo tried to calm down, yet every time he felt like he could breathe, the previous image popped up again.

That fucking bastard finally got what he deserved! Not only will Cale defeat him, but it will also be done in the most humiliating display possible.

Adin, who lived and breathed elegance and the dignity of a royal will be shown up like the twisted clown that he is!

Adin, who acted under the White Star's orders and even before that killed thousands of innocent citizens simply to satisfy his rotten personality, will finally face justice.

Adin, the most royal and admired person on both continents, will end up as a joke for the following generations; eternally ruining his so carefully crafted image.

A pauper that got beaten by trash!

The imperial prince never directly attacked him when he was still Cale Henituse. Why should the prestigious prince pay attention to trash? However, after the war broke out and Adin didn't need to hide behind a facade, unleashing his inhuman and monstrous side, Adin belittled all previous deaths and sacrifices. He called the Roan Kingdom weak and congratulated a devastated Prince Alberu for being able to get rid of weak pests in the kingdom.

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