Making Plans and meeting their Counterparts, Cale in Cookie Heaven

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A moderately big room with giant glass windows is being bathed in moonlight while some figures sat in the middle of the room, debating loudly. Their voices carried through the spaced room, interrupting the otherwise idyllic atmosphere.

"Now, it's quite obvious that- "


"Yes! Everything points toward them."

"Why is my person not an option?"

"My chosen one will win!"

Now, while this may sound like a relatively sane and reasonable discussion, the participants of this argument are everything but average. Beings of a higher order that carry out their duties and control whole domains; in short, they are gods.

The God of Death, the Sun God, the God of War, etc.

This kind of ensemble only happens every blue moon- and, they don't even have a blue moon as the Sun God dislikes the color blue- but thankfully the point of all this was not as serious as some may think.

Naturally, if the arguments escalate any further war may be an option.

And the whole point of this?

The God of Death crossed his arms, making his stance clear to anyone watching. "My Cale is far too beautiful and intelligent for someone like your lunatic, that Clopeh Sekka!"

Instead of being angered and disagreeing, the God of Winter slapped his hands on the table and exclaimed: "But that's the whole point of why Clopeh is better than anyone else! He sees Cale as his god and worships the ground he walks on. Who is better than him?" Several protests rose up but were skillfully ignored.

A beautiful woman with golden hair snorted unladylike and threw her hair over her shoulder.

"Excuse you? He needs someone with power and the ability to protect him. Someone who knows his secrets and accepts him the way he is, which is why my chosen one, Alberu Crossman, is perfect." The woman in question is the Sun God, Angelina. Most of the time, people misgender her, yet the powerful goddess turns a blind eye to those actions.

"Hah, you are all fools.", a man with a muscular frame and scars leaned back in his chair, arms crossed and an annoyed frown on his face.

"The Crown Prince is not weak but also not the strongest, which is why my chosen one, Choi Han, is obviously the better partner. He already gave Cale everything and follows him everywhere, what is one more step in their relationship?" The God of War saw his actions as justified and contrary to his title, sat down peacefully with a satisfied grin on his face.

There were even more gods present, and each and everyone wants their champion to end up with the hero, Cale Henituse.

Yes, this whole meeting of divine entities is based on the fact that they all want their chosen one to end up with the transmigrator.

Cale Henituse, or Kim Rok Soo as he was once known, represents them all in a way. His heroic and selfless actions touched their otherwise indifferent hearts. 

They are gods, timeless entities that govern over worlds and their domains. Countless humans come and go, so it's exceedingly rare that a god takes notice of one of them, but almost all of them taking interest in a single human? Unheard of.

They watched as he lived, bleed, and sacrificed so much for his people. No matter the race, gender, or previous history.

Which brought them to this point as they all wanted to do something for Cale. They know- thanks to the God of Beauty and Lust- that many are more than interested in Cale, therefore they wanted their champions to end up with him.

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