Eruhaben's Attempted Scam (356-361)

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Groans filled the room as the next video started without giving them any time to needlessly complain or voice their displeasure in other creative ways.

Bud was feeling a cold shiver down his spine. His impending doom was just a few minutes away, he knew it. He could feel it in his bones. Even his stomach recoiled at the knowledge of what will be shown soon.

....maybe the last one was because of excessive alcohol.

Bud put on a brave front, painting a smile on his despairing face, and trying to chat up Glenn so that his future death won't be as painful.

"Hey, did you know-" his suave and smooth attempt at conversation was cut off by a deadpan glare in his direction.

"No," Glenn simply denied him. The mage had a steaming cup of tea in front of him which he gently took in his hands and slowly drank. Every sip felt threatening for Bud.

Gulping, he asked, "When is too late too late?"

"You never had a chance in the first place," Glenn kindly informed his so-called boss. He impassively stared the teal-haired man down with a smile that scared Bud more than Ron Molan.

He plopped down on his seat listlessly as the screen mercilessly went on its merry way to showcase his previous crimes.

An eyebrow went sky-high when Bud noticed that the video started way earlier than what he expected. A mischievous grin formed on his face.

He won't be the only one to suffer today.


He could hear someone scoffing at him. Cale turned his head. He could see a table.
When he looked at who was sitting at the table...

"...That damn alcoholic."

The alcoholic who was drinking even with his head on the table raised his head up.

"What an introduction," Cage laughed.

She had hoped that her own would be just as amusing but wasn't too disappointed since it showcased her other skillset. Or at least hinted at it. The young master's appropriate reaction was still as delightful as ever. He reminded her of a scared cat.

Taylor smiled at her amusement while Antonio eyed the proud ex-priestess like she was missing a few screws.

Sonata was just generally impressed with Cage's ability to make alcohol appear out of thin air. With a wink, she accepted the offered glass and clicked hers against Taylor and Cage's. Antonio looked ahead, questioning everything as the alcoholic trio celebrated.

Kind of like the mercenary king – Antonio wasn't sure if the title was just a hoax or not – on screen.

Wait. No, he didn't just compare his graceful and elegant grandmother with the lunatic drunkard. No, he didn't.

Of course, his eyes were completely focused.
Naturally, the alcoholic was Mercenary King Bud Illis.

Billos made a face.

"Is every seemingly intoxicated person actually sound of mind?" He asked with a sigh. A second passed till he amended his previous statement. "Almost sound of mind." The mercenary king was many things but sound of mind is not something he would be labeled with.

The only reason he didn't get the lunatic label was because another sword user was hogging it with a terrifying ferocity and an intensity that honestly scared Billos.

Clopeh sneezed.

With a distrustful gaze, he looked around the room.

"In this secretary-nim's opinion, you'll need to rest for about one year in order to be fine."

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