Grand Noble Meeting (209-212) and a Satisfying Smackdown, Noble Edition

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Cale and the others did the most obvious and strategic thing, which is simply ignoring the problem and hoping it goes away on its own. While a nagging feeling followed them, Cale's followers became experts at ignoring stuff that goes against normal standards thanks to Cale's own brand of 'common sense and what should not be classified as normal because explosions and looting are more fun'.

So, the fact that a few new tables appeared and the indication that action provides was thrown under the table in case of Side B, while Side A stared at the area with fear, uncertainty, a bit of curiosity and a healthy amount of 'I'm so done with this bullshit.'

Valentino on the other hand just finished watching a battle that normally would herald the doom of his kingdom and instead random surprises, Dark Elves and too many Ancient Powers saved not just his lands but people as well.

During the battle his state of mind went from 'I don't believe this' over 'csdazjdkagudag' to 'I want to go home, sleep and never appear again'.

He instantly stood up after getting over the confusion of new tables appearing and made a bee line towards the Roan crown prince of his side. Alliances must be made, otherwise his kingdom will fall.

Valentino, while abandoning all manners and noble rules, greeted those present at Cale's table and sat down directly next to Alberu, who expected the other prince to appear soon but not to that extent.

The royal even politely greeted Tasha and Mary, a clear sign that while inexperienced the prince has a good heart and cares for his people more than what superstitions and rumors told him. Alberu held back his satisfaction and greeted the other crown prince.

Others from Side A watched the budding alliance in making with a mixture of envy, annoyance and resignation. Rosalyn joined the discussion as a representative of the Breck Kingdom.

The serious atmosphere lasted for a while and Cale with some others decided that a quick food break that doesn't contain sugar is needed. Beacrox and his counterpart already took over one of the kitchens and started preparing a light and healthy meal.

Valentino, feeling a bit lonely without the presence of his more serious counterpart, joined Cale and the children at sampling Beacrox superior food. The chef wasn't as welcoming and the kids also didn't appreciate the royal.

Cale still hoped that the prince will leave soon as he didn't want to talk with the excited crown prince. He rather have Alberu with his snide remarks hidden behind flowery words than the praise Valentino utters without mockery.

You can't just genuinely praise someone, that's not how the world works.

Cale munched on some vegetables, while watching his children make a mess out of themselves. With a sigh, the red-head took out a napkin and cleaned the dirty cheeks and mouths of his little ones.

Valentino, not minding the silence to his babbling, inched closer to Cale. Standing side by side, the prince took notice of the fact that he was taller than Cale, a satisfied smile made its way onto his face. The red-head saw the smile and thought that the prince must be mocking him.

Cale frowned and collected his children plus glaring chef and his double. The group made their way back to the table where Ron was expecting their arrival. A benign smile on his face and the cursed liquid in his hands, Cale wanted to flee as soon as he saw the waiting butler.

The older man raised his brow, a silent 'would you really dare to run away' stopped Cale from his strategic retreat. Inwardly pouting, the ex-commander took his place in between an amused Alberu and a happily smiling Choi Han.

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