Directory Shenanigans (1) (356-361)

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The gods didn't give them any time to process the news nor did they care since all Cale did was shrug his shoulders. He came to terms with the fact that everybody will see him commit crimes of various levels of insanity and moral ambiguity; also, for this round, he can just blame Bud.

The screen lit up, showing Cale and Bud as well as the rest of the ensemble.

Bud looked down at his glass, a deep blush covering his cheeks. His counterpart stared at him confused. Was he ashamed? Of course, he'd be ashamed! His counterpart just showed off their precious directory, the heirloom of the first mercenary king! His idol! Naturally, he was ashamed.

Meanwhile, Bud remembered what happened while they were scouting the directory. How will his nerves survive that? At least the others weren't much better off.

Choi Han's cheeks held a healthy blush while Alberu looked into the depths of his teacup like it had the answers he needed, or he hoped that his tea would randomly turn into wine.

The Mercenaries Guild's record of strong individuals. The Directory.

The Mercenaries' Directory, an object any person in power desired to get their hands on—the perfect weapon of knowledge and opportunity.

Some nobles and wannabe masterminds alike practically salivated at the prospect of catching a glimpse of the illusive directory.

And then they would visit the Castle of Light.

"Why is this so casually said like it wasn't a big thing?"

"...I wanna name my manor Castle of Light."

"What? Do you hope to gain some enlightenment and intelligence if you name your home something impressive? Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think that will work."

"You know, you are getting rather cheeky-"

"It's a skill, darling."

"-and I don't think I like that. Also-"

"Touch luck, I am your only friend so good luck in finding other people to listen to your ludicrous ideas."

"- can you stop interrupting me?"



The ancient times and the White Star. The truth about all of that.

"The answers are in the directory?" Alberu asked, his voice drenched in curiosity and the desire to know. Answers to so many questions he had were right in front of him.

Rosalyn shrugged, "Just watch."

Lock tilted his head to the side. Something had been bothering him for a while now. It was nice and all that the other world got to watch their adventures in the hope of saving their world, but will all of their secrets and vulnerable moments truly be shown in detail? Some instances had Lock lifting all his barriers, showing his raw emotions and insecurities to the world.

He didn't mind his family seeing them, yet the thought of some random strangers watching his life, his struggles, his past, and his determination like some amusing side activity raised his hackles. Not to mention, Lock knew that the young master was a private person. He always acted calm and energetic, yet under all the bravery, Lock knew the young master was bone-deep tired.

It was unfair that Young Master Cale once more became a plaything for the gods. They summoned them to stave off their boredom. Angry tears filled his eyes.

His counterpart noticed, almost wanting to scoff at the display of weakness. He refrained since something was wrong. Even he noticed that Lock was acting strange, something that was neither missed by Rosalyn.

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