Holy Twins Meet a Lich With a Cat Knight Bonus (Ch 327-329)

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Cale's leaving back was shown on the screen. Behind him were the leftovers of the Empire's forces as well as his loyal companions that followed him with Choi Han at the front and determined dark elves at the back.

Just when the people in the spectator room started slipping into a sober mood, taking the situation as seriously as possible, the scene changed again.

"Hah?", confused shouts filled the room.

A panicking Rex was suddenly seen. Imperial knights were standing up in arms against him and his group as well as various innocent citizens were placed in the mix. The citizens took no side and stood mostly lost to the side, eyes were blown wide open and they switched their desperate gazes from Rex to the knights in a pitiful game of ping pong.

Kim Rok Soo made a face. He felt physically sick after seeing so many citizens still endlessly believe in the Empire, shouting abuse at Rex and his group from the far back. Even after Cale carefully arranged for a video to be shown, some people preferred to live in denial instead of accepting the truth.

How would he have reacted, he wondered.

His past self, still completely absorbed in the trash act and mostly believing all those insults to be true, would probably act calm outward, maybe a bit drunk, and then when no one was looking, cry a bit or laugh hysterically. It's fifty-fifty.

He never said that he had good coping mechanisms because that would require him to accept that he was just as fucked up as he denied being all along. Work in progress, okay?

A smile suddenly formed on his face. It was different from Cale's slight, sneaky smile. Kim Rok Soo smiled wide enough for his cheeks to hurt. A charming smile, no matter what Cale thinks. He didn't miss the disgusted side-eye from Cale and returned it with an even wider smile, just to annoy the redhead.

The scene on the screen continued fast-paced, giving people almost no time to digest the happenings.

The central gate of the imperial palace opened.
It was the large gate that only opened when the Emperor or the Imperial Prince came out to grace the public with their presence or when there was an important event.


That gate opened completely and the first group of people came out.

"...Damn it."

Rex's pupils started to shake.

"How bad could it be?", someone asked, sarcastically begging for someone else to come to their rescue and comfort their cracking sanity.


"No! Not you."


He turned his attention to the leader of the group and his body went slightly stiff.
However, the Empire's forces were rather delighted and started to raise their voices to shout.

"The Tower Master has come with the will of his majesty the Emperor!"

"Ah, fuck.", someone from Side A eloquently put into words what everybody else was thinking.

How bad could it be? How about Tower Master bad with a bit of extra spice called an army of soldiers and alchemists?

Someone remembered something Cale previously said, "Wait, didn't the young master already predict that the Tower Master will make an appearance? And he didn't seem that scared. More maliciously happy at causing them more misery than feeling scared."

"...", people thought back and yes, Cale did expect the Tower Master to appear.

"Does he have a plan?"

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