Money, money, money (Ch 109/110)

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Chapter 36:  Money, money, money, everything's funny, in a richman's world...except for Alberu. (Ch 109/110)

During the short break, Cale felt anxious.

It wasn't a 'the kids ate my sweets'- type of thing and neither 'Ron is on his way with more lemonade' rang – luckily- true. It was a really weird feeling, almost like he should run as fast as he could, and even then, it was far too late.

A sense of danger hung over Cale and the only thing Cale thought of was that he needed to save himself. Conveniently, he was already sitting at the table of the most powerful beings in the room.

Meanwhile, Alberu also couldn't shake the feeling that soon something may happen that will be anything but enjoyable for him. A feeling of utter doom clouded the poor, unknowing royal.

The only ones in the know are the gods. The God of Death smiled like a cat that got the canary while the goddess next time couldn't decide whether she wants to strangle or congratulate the annoyance next to her.

Enough time passed and with a snap of his fingers, the God of Death started Cale's doom/ Alver's suffering/ the next round of Cale collecting seemingly rare Ancient Powers like pebbles on the side of a road.

Not even a second after the screen turned on, Cale's face lost all of its colors. He started at the image, hoping that he was remembering it wrong while simultaneously cursing the gods- because, of course, they are that fucked up and shameless.


Still the same scene he can remember with clarity that may scare and confuse normal people.

Only one thought entered Cale's mind.


Early morning a few days later, Cale was climbing the third peak of the Ten Finger Mountains with only Raon by his side.

Raon's eyes almost popped out of his skull when the small dragon realized what will be shown. His tiny wings started fluttering, hitting Eruhaben who was also a bit paler than before the video started. Both dragons simultaneously looked at a calm Alberu and then toward a not even close to calm Cale.

Ah, chaos.

-Goldie gramps.

A small voice interrupted Eruhaben's thoughts. It took him a second to realize that Raon was not speaking aloud but rather through his mind. Raon's voice sounded tiny and a little bit fragile, an unlikely combination for the small dragon as he was normally bursting with enthusiasm and probably far too much sugar.

The elder dragon waited for Raon's next words.

-Will my human die? No, he won't die! I will save him from the cookie prince!

It took Eruhaben a second to realize what Raon meant as his ramblings grew more panicked the more he talked. Big, tear-filled eyes started at Eruhaben, hoping the wise words of the Ancient Dragon may have a resolution to the problem.

Holding back a sigh that may or may not also have a hint of a smile, Eruhaben reassured the small dragon that no, Alberu won't kill Cale.



With a flick of his fingers and a muttered spell, Eruhaben cast a simple defense wall around Cale. Just to be sure. ...maybe another one would be sufficient as well. Or three? Three is a lucky number. Now that he thinks about it, the luckiest number is seven. Should he just cast seven barriers then? Seven sounds good.

Raon was still hysterical and started patting Cale's arms, trying to convince the redhead that the house in the Endable Kingdom- actually, Fredo gave them seven houses but most of them are close to and sometimes even on the private lands of the vampire, a bit too close for Cale- doesn't look too bad and they could live there for a while. Cale didn't verbally answer as he still kept his eyes trained on Alberu.

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