The Battle of the Henituse Castle (196/197) Round One

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Emotions are high as the war that changed one world and doomed the other will soon be played on the screen. The third side is still standing at the crossroad, which way will it be? Or will they forge a new one?

The screen didn't change yet, a sign that they have a bit of time left until the next scene will start.

Some people were rather calm as the battle didn't have their direct involvement, like the Whale tribe or the Caro Kingdom. Interested faces, curious looks and deep frowns were directed at various individuals throughout the room.

Side C with King Alberu* in the lead advanced towards Cale's private bubble and interrupted the sleepy red-head during his nap. The king's aim was rather directed towards Alberu and Cale was just unfortunately using the Emperor as a pillow, which meant that he had entered the conversation range as well.

The king, while still handsome, it was obvious that war had left some signs on his face and posture. He resembles Zed Crossman more than his own youthful self that is sitting by Cale's side. Deep stress lines cover his tanned face, a tan received not thanks to healthy activities but through the harsh sun during battles, and his eyes are still the same fake-blue, just more tired.

"How much did you know?", his tired voice didn't hold a hint of respect, the king outright demanded an answer from either Cale, Alberu or Choi Han. Nobody took it as rude or disrespectful.

War takes away useless things like niceties or small-talk. What use does it have when your life's on the line? Sweet Talk the enemy into granting them mercy? Somehow convincing the enemy that the other side is better?

Please, things like that only happen in stories.

Meanwhile, Clopeh, the Dragon Half-Blood and Fredo sneezed. Was someone talking about them?

Alberu saw that Cale had no plans on answering and Choi Han was staring into nothingness, an ability he copied from Cale. Holding back a sigh, the quarter Elf forced a smile on his face and addressed his older counterpart.

"Define what you mean.", he ordered back. This has now become a passive-aggressive battle for dominance and no side is ready to lose. Not falling for Alberu's provocation, the older king raised a regal brow and calmly fired back.

"I could have sworn that I was smarter when I was younger, but maybe age and experience actually taught me something.", a smile that functioned more like a sneer was directed at Alberu. The unspoken 'your turn' left Alberu was a semi-permanent eyebrow twitch.

"Hm, or your continuing losses ate away your actual mental capacities. After all, you still believe that you have something to say here.", the Emperor folded his arms elegantly in front of him and softly rested his chin on his hands.

"How fun. I didn't know that my foolish, younger self threw away all of his morals and dreams. How devastating your war must have been that you calmly abandon people in need."

Alberu watched the increasingly dangerous power display that happened at his table. It was obvious who would win, but he could also understand why the other side was playing this game. As much as this looks like a conflict, it was anything but.

They were analyzing each other.

King Alberu* because he wanted to see what mentality won them a war that was seemingly hopeless, while Alberu wanted to know how far a losing war pushed his own principles and morality.

"Morals? This is war. The enemy didn't play fair, so why should we?", Alberu side-stepped some points by pointing out the basic principle of war.

Is the enemy playing unfair? Sure, let's get Cale and then they shall join with 'fair-play'.

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