The Battle of Henituse Castle (199/200) Conclusion

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After Choi Han* was safely taken down and looked over in case of a sudden illness, the instance on screen continued as the gods didn't have to fear a certain someone suddenly dirtying their floor anymore.

Emotions were still high as the scene stopped when Cale's name was shouted with a hint of panic. Not a combination that many people enjoyed.

The Countess arrived to support Cale, who was just barely standing up. She held back another scream.

The scene proceeded with the countess supporting Cale, a heartwarming picture as even the most blind and stupid of them could see the love and care she had for him. Her brown eyes were filled with worry, yet she didn't bow down and instead stood strong, for herself and her son in need.

Violan watched proudly as her past self caught Cale and protected him with her armor covered body.

She regrets many things. Things she'll never be able to make right again and things she may even repeat in the heat of the moment. However, there are also moments that will forever be engraved inside her heart.

Be it good or bad.

This was one of them. At that small moment, nothing mattered as she held her son and saw the way his beautiful eyes widened just for a fraction of a moment in surprise. She never asked why he acted surprised as the reason was obvious.

While she now knows that this wasn't the Cale she first disappointed, he was still her Cale, her child to protect.

This moment was so precious to her as she could finally prove to Cale that she will support him, not just with empty words but with actions.

She will protect him just like he is protecting her.

The battle didn't matter nor the fallen enemies. All she was paying attention to was the frail young man being supported by her hands. A smile formed on her face. Kim Rok Soo as well as Count Cale* noticed it.

Violan Henituse is a good woman, maybe not a good noble in a sense of politics, but she represents her ideals and morals with a strength they both admire. She isn't and will never be their mother as that spot is exclusively reserved for their birthmother.

Both of them couldn't treat her like family. Naturally, the way their fathers handled the situation divided them even further, but people shouldn't forget that there are two parties in an argument and what both Cale did didn't leave any chance for Violan to come to feel anything for them.

Kim Rok Soo is grateful that Cale not only protected his siblings and father, he also finally gave Violan the reassurance that she needed as well. Violan Henituse is a part of the Henituse family and she deserves all the love and care that she finally received from Cale in his own socially stupid ways as well as the citizens and other nobles who also saw how bright she can shine.

Many things changed when Cale took over. Some good, some weird and some utterly 'what the hell?!'-ish, yet Rok Soo knows that he would have never been able to welcome Violan the way that it should have been and the way Cale did.

Sometimes a stranger is needed to save what is precious.

Cale had plopped down as soon as she supported him.

Black blood was seeping out of Cale's eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Cale was coughing up so much blood that it looked as if he would have trouble breathing.

Horrified shouts rang through the room as many covered their eyes at the horrible sight that Cale presented. Whereas most of Side A was just disgusted and fearful at the sacrifice Cale made for the battle, some nobles still harbored the desire to own the Ancient Powers that Cale possessed. Even after they saw what downsides these powers could have, they still wanted the prestige and power that came with them.

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