Let There Be Light (332/333)

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Saint Jack took the Condemnation of the Sun out of his pocket and opened up his palm. He could see the small old compact mirror.

"He had it in his pocket.", one priestess moaned, positively in despair.

They watched Jack casually fish out the compact mirror that was supposedly a divine and immeasurable artifact like it was nothing. No extra casing saved the artifact from getting scratched; no extra care as well. He just straight-up grabbed it without looking.

"The missing artifact.", another cried in disbelief.

"Just where could he have found it?", an older priest asked. His voice was slightly shaky, a sign that he wasn't as unaffected as he tried to make others believe.

Raon, the ever-helpful dragon, heard their plight and decided to grace them with an answer.

"Silly humans, we found it in your backyard."

"...what?", came the scandalized shouts from the church members. One wanted to start an argument but remembered that his opponent was a dragon – baby or not – and he wisely chose to remain silent.

"In- In our backyard? E-esteemed dragon-nim, would you please educate these lowly humans?", the older priest tried from a different angle. His hopeful eyes locked onto the tiny dragon, who puffed out his chest after seeing all those worshipping gazes. With a huff, Raon started explaining.

(Some other conversation happened in the background.

"Your Highness, shouldn't we stop Raon-nim from disclosing the location of the divine artifact?"

"No, I want to hear what they have to say."

"But...won't it be used to harm us if they find it?"

"If is the right word. I honestly doubt that the priests will truly find the artifact even if Raon-nim provides them with a map. Won't it be fun to watch them merrily run around like headless chickens in search of it?"

"If you say so, your highness.")

Raon flew over, his wings fluttering excitedly as he explained.

"You really don't know? Well, my human found it and he is the smartest, so of course, you wouldn't know where it is. We found it in your temple, a place you call the Sun Garden. Really. My human and I, the mighty Raon Miru, are so much smarter than you.", he then went off in a tirade about the awesomeness of his family, naturally not forgetting to praise his own mighty self in the process.

The priests sweatdropped.

The condemnation of the sun was in their garden? Since when? Was it there all the time while they were running around the continents in search of it?

While the priests and other church members started to plan an excavation event that will ruin their precious garden, Cale's table laughed about the foolishness of the situation. Only Jack was worried.

"Won't it be problematic if they find it?", he asked softly. Hannah just scoffed.

"As if those brainless fools would arrive at the conclusion to search the towers as well and not just unroot all plant life."

Cale nodded.

Another voice chimed in.

"Even if they do, the artifact won't answer them.", Angelina, the Sun Goddess herself, cheerfully shared with a conspiring smile on her enchanting face.

They listened in to some of the planning of the church members and not even once was the idea brought up to maybe also inspect the buildings in the garden.

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