Gyerre Chaos (Ch 181-183)

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Antonio Gyerre and his grandmother, Sonata Gyerre, are proud members of the Gyerre Household. For centuries they guard the gates to the Empire and their loyalty towards the kingdom is uncontested.

The young heir's view of what a noble is, is created through the guidance of his strong grandmother and the experiences he collected through political meetings and so on. Most of the young nobles are arrogant or lacking in other fields.

Few are 'true nobles'.

With a war on the horizon and supposedly, the Empire is on the opposing side as well, what can be done? Most of the nobles in attendance are simpleminded and their greed is unmistakable. Antonio can't picture them taking up arms for the honor and safety of their people.

The only reason those old men would move is when rewards are mentioned. Even then, they'd probably send disposable pawns that won't be missed if they fail.


Antonio isn't sure about Cale. He saw some instances and knows that the young master will move for the sake of his people. But he appears to be as greedy as those other nobles. It's not like Antonio can't understand the transmigrators reasoning.

Imagine, you suddenly get thrown into a new body, not to mention a new world, and you have the knowledge that crisis are near. It's scary.

Also, the fact that he ended up as a young master of the Henituse Household, who's known for their wealth and love for each other. Perfect conditions to live a luxurious life.

The transmigrator is ruthless to his enemies, Antonio can't imagine that Venion survived the encounter with a sane state of mind, while he cares for his people and will go to war for them. These are good qualities, but not qualities for a territory lord.

The lord needs to put the people living in his land before their own happiness.

He wasn't able to see much of Cale's personality- except his un-noble like love of robbing people-, and wanted to observe the transmigrator a bit more. Also, while interesting, it's not like Cale will have anything to do with world A.

They watch his adventures, be it good or bad, collect the needed information and get back to their own world.

However, Antonio can see the way his counterpart looks at Cale. It's the same gaze he has, when he finally found someone to be a worthy noble. He needs to watch more before he makes his judgement.

That's what he thought at least.

But why, completely out of context, is their territory mentioned? Cale and Antonio support different princes, although the Gyerre Household has to consider that one again after the disgraceful display of the Third Prince earlier on.

And even worse, it was mentioned in combination with destruction. Why?

That's a serious breach of etiquette, not to mention should be punished by law!

The transmigrator isn't stupid, but what did he discover that destroying property in the Gyerre Household is a valid action???

His grandmother was watching the happenings with a stoic expression, but the clear demand of an explanation is visible in her eyes.

Both Antonio and Sonata Gyerre are watching their counterparts. The confusion and anger are more obvious on Antonio's side, but Sonata's fury and the way her hands clutch the hem of her dress were telling enough.

'Don't worry', Antonio thought with a certain amount of self-pity, 'soon the one you'll be angry at is yourself and your own incompetence.'

If the young master hadn't come and unraveled the terrifying happenings in his own land, the slave trade would've continued. Even worse is the fact that Antonio saw first-hand, how inhumanly the slaves were treated and what tragic fate awaited them.

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