Arm' Battle Brigade (148/149) and Reasons why Cale can't be left alone

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Cale's ears started ringing after all the sudden noises. Waving at Jack to sit down, he turned to Side A.

Finally, most people have noticed that from all countries representatives were present with the exception of Mogoru.

"The Empire? An enemy?!"

"We're doomed..."

As always, instead of calmly thinking about the information, 90 percent of the nobles started panicking like headless chicken. Shouting, screaming and making baseless accusations.

Their usual style.

Valentino wasn't much better off.

His mind was in shambles. One part of him really didn't want to believe his other self. This must be a mistake? They've been friends since childhood, shared their secrets with each other and supported the other one. Why would Adin betray him?

But the way Valentino stated the facts was just... it seems to be true.

Valentino was calm, like the betrayal didn't matter. But at a closer inspection, a hidden fury was still present. Anger, disgust and satisfaction?

Crown Prince Valentino was confused.

He signed his aides to be quiet. He doesn't have enough information. He'll wait and see. The videos will certainly show him what the other Adin did. Then, he'll decide what to do.

Watching his other self relaxingly talking with the First Prince of the Breck Kingdom- it seems he already forgot about the mess he started-, he decided to wait and see. The future over there didn't appear to bad, but he has to decide as the Crown Prince and not as Valentino.

At Cale's table, Alberu was fishing for information.

"The Empire is an enemy? And what kind of organization are we talking about?"

Choi Han couldn't help himself and cheekily answered: "Yes. A secret one."

'Can I kill this bastard?' Alberu felt his eyebrows twitching.

Choi Han was annoyed. In such a serious situation his counterpart can joke around?

Alberu diffused the situation by being a bit more generous. Cale poked Choi Han to be quiet.

"The Empire and the secret organization are the ones behind the Plaza Terror Incident. Other situations are caused by them as well." Dropping bombs like this wasn't normally Alberu's style.

"The other bombing incidents were caused by them as well?" Choi Han's voice was clouded in anger. After the Plaza Terror Incident many bombings took place. City districts, villages and estates fell victim to those bombs.

He knew that the secret organization was behind them but the backing of the Empire complicates things drastically.

Choi Han's group shared the information they got with Alberu but it wasn't really much. After some close encounters with Arm, the only useful information they got, was their name and that they came from the eastern continent.

Nothing more. They don't know their aim, their leaders or where they're stationed.

Choi Han feels like a failure.

"Other incidents? They were the culprits of the Incident during the Empire's festival but otherwise they moved more in secret."

"The other bombings in Roan. For months now, areas will randomly explode. The casualties have surpassed the thousands weeks ago."

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