'Confiscating' Stuff (Ch 178-180) and Archie in Trash Mode

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A few minutes passed and the fainted were revived.

The shocked silence was unbearable for many and the fact that Cale uses a divine item- from the God of War even- as an everyday farming tool, broke the mind of the majority of the spectators.

Here they were scavenger like hunting for rumors of divine presents and he finds and abuses them. Like it was nothing! This- this is blasphemy!

Priests of all religions started insulting Cale while demanding that he hands over his divine item(s), as he obviously isn't worth of their radiance.

Choi Han got ready to defend Cale. How dare these useless ass-kisser with a superiority complex of the size of the western continent!

Every item that Cale and his people obtained was thanks to their hard work. Them demanding it- and ignoring the fact that the items are actually still present where Cale found them in their own world- without qualifications is ludicrous at best.

Choi Han was ignoring the fact that most of the time Cale looted them against the law or the owner's permission.


One level above another conversation was taking place.

"So, a watering can?"

"Do you have a problem with farming tools?!"

"No, but the fact that a divine item from the God of, I don't know, WAR is a watering can? A watering can!"

"I don't see the problem?"

"What happened to swords, shields, spears, and so on?"

"You are acting pretty stereotypical. You should look outside the box and don't just make assumptions. That's rude."

The God of Death couldn't handle this god who didn't follow common sense. Nothing makes sense anymore.

The God od War felt offended. What is the problem of his colleague?

"Also, I have a watering can that can be used as self-defense when needed. Not only is the physical damage painful, the mental damage of getting downed by a watering can is even worse. What would you rather be felled with? A sword or maybe an axe? Losing against a watering can is prove that the person should stay away from combat."

That made far too much sense and the God of Death felt like pouting. But the God of War wasn't done.

"What do you have? A fucking book! What can the person do with it? Hm? Write their names into it and the target suddenly dies?" That was not a bad idea. Why didn't he think of that? The God of Death didn't feel like talking anymore.

"What's it called?" Nope, the God of Death is offline. Please come back another time.

The Sun Goddess though, really wanted to join the fray and cause misery for her rival. Thanks to Jack, who accidently shared the name of the book, she gave the God of Death the last blow.

"It's called 'How to Die Peacefully'.", the joy of getting one over the other god couldn't be hidden from the way her voice was basically drenched in glee.

Both gods were laughing at the misery of the God of Death.

During the chaos on both levels, the screen suddenly flashed once again and the video continued.

However, the voice of the Super Rock disappeared as soon as he landed on the field.

"Isn't this a field?"
"This is the right place."

Cale responded to the invisible Hong's question as he approached the quietest spot in the Estate.

– There are no magic devices!

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