Battle of Castle Leona Round Three (220/221)

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An awkward silence descended upon the various groups watching the battle.

The Dragon Half-Blood thought that something must have been wrong with his greeting. Was he too rude? He looked at the other dragons for assistance.

Mila and Sheritt were still smiling at Raon, who once again, unknowingly, had thrown the room into chaos. It is one thing to manage to convince someone like Clopeh Sekka, an enemy human, to change sides, however, Cale somehow not just brought him over but adopted him?

Yeah, they pity those of Side A. So many secrets were being revealed, the next hitting harder than the prior, while they on Side B act like it's common knowledge. Not to mention Cale being his usual self.

That's another category for itself.

The one who offered advice was Rasheel, at the end. It's debatable whether the Dragon Half-Blood actually receives valuable advice or not.

"Tch. They are just too stupid. Ignore them.", the grumpy dragon leaned back and accidently exposed Pendrick, who didn't have the time to lean back as well.

Shocked gasps filled the room, Pendrick stared like a deer in headlights while a half-eaten cookie hang from his mouth.


"What are you doing over there? Are you bothering the esteemed beings?"

"I'm so jealous."

The Elves were enraged. Here they have to witness one of their own betraying them in the worst possible way. Pendrick stared at the table. If it was anyone else, he'd have thrown them an angry expression, but the culprit is a mighty sir.

The poor Elf could only swallow his grievances and take another comfort-cookie. From here on, he's temporarily deaf.

Some humans were astonished as well at the fact that an Elf could be brave enough to sit and converse with mighty dragons, they stared contemplative at the dragons on their side. Would these esteemed sirs also like some company?

They'd volunteer.

Rasheel was sleeping with his head on the table, it happened a few minutes ago when a loud thunk announced his sleep status. It seems that the dragon doesn't mind, or noticed, that his head hit the table hard enough to make a dent.

Furthermore, those who are watching aren't suicidal enough to point it out.

Eruhaben raised a brow at the humans, daring them to intrude into his comfort zone. The old dragon was curious if anyone was stupid enough to attempt it. His eyebrow rose to new heights when one stupid soul indeed decided that the gains outstrip the losses.

The Third Prince put on a brave face, he combined a confident smile with a sufficiently cowed expression that screamed respect, and walked with well-practiced grace towards the unimpressed dragon.

Cale gives him four out of ten points for the performance. Alberu would have done it far better and with more elegance than whatever that walk is supposed to be.

He once saw ducks that walk with more grace than the Third Prince.

Luckily, or unluckily, depends who you ask, an aide of the queen saw the pathetic and probably soon to-be painful attempt of the prince. Cale made an impressed face at the speed that man managed to utilize, he wouldn't have guessed that someone with that frame and age could still run this fast.

The drama was stopped before it could start.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Half-Blood decided that his greeting wasn't rude and the people just reacted weird.

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