Caught You (323/324)

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Ex-Queen Elisneh? You mean the traitorous illusionist of the White Star, right?

Those words kept ringing inside Litana's head. She understood them separately but combined they didn't make any sense. Elisneh and traitor? But she's so nice? The other queen saved her burning jungle and stayed in contact even after the problem was resolved. All the small but meaningful moments between them can't be a lie.

Countless praises and words of admiration continued flowing inside Litana's head.

The sad part is that all of this happened more as a way of defense than her actually believing all that bullshit.

Yet, she gazed at Prince Valentino from her side. The man was slumped over the table with poor manners and some glasses in front of him, his eyes heavy and tired. Adin and Valentino were known to be great friends and the future of the Mogoru-Caro Alliance.

Everything had been a lie. Who says that her own story- the light in her dark, depressing days- isn't the same? Instead of vehemently denying those accusations, she just deeply sighed, eyes suddenly as tired as Valentino's. Her world has proven to be fucked anyways, having another traitor in the mix isn't even in her top ten of weird shit going on.

Her eyes glided over the room, taking in the different manners from both sides.

Side A was a shaking mess.

Suspicious gazes, guarded backs, and distrusting eyes everywhere. Too much information was thrown at them with a short 'ah, yes, if you don't change, you die. Teeheehee.' or something thanks to the unreliable commentary of the gods. Fucked is too nice to describe their situation.

Side B, meanwhile, acts like this is a giant picnic or something. They eat food all the time- where is it even going? Also, why does nobody get tired? Are they even physically present in the room?- and joke about the 'past', sprinting past the uncomfortable- read, deadly for Side A- topics with relative ease. She envies and hates them at the same time.

The jungle queen knows she isn't the smartest, especially, after seeing the actions of Cale Henituse and even Alberu Crossman.

Both have terrific minds with devious thoughts and no hesitation whatsoever.

She wanted to ask- scream- and demand answers but somehow Valentino didn't notice the chaos his comment brought and wandered back to his table after an awkward silence descended. The royal was even pouting after Queen Litana just facepalmed at his actions and shushed him with rolled eyes. Her counterpart ignored Litana's desperate eyes.

The queen was fed up with everything and wanted answers. Yet, instead of giving them, the paused screen just ignored her prayer- fuck you, gods- and went on with the show.

A new scene started, showcasing the citizens of the Mogoru Capital being all confused yet trusting toward the weird actions that kept happening. The faithful trust some of them had in their royal family and soldiers drew disgusted frowns from some spectators.

Bud even mockingly gagged at the hero worship toward Adin.

The peace on the screen was quickly shattered by a loud alarm ringing, startling some people in the room as well as the various citizens on screen minding their own business.

Beeeeeeeep- Beeeeeeeep-

Some beastmen winced at the loud noise. Their superior hearing picked up all the different nuances and it wasn't nice. Lock pouted while massaging his poor ears.

A sharp noise cutting through the night was heard throughout the capital.'

'Did the enemies invade? Do we need to run? What is this noise?'

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