A Guide on How to Make Choi Han Laugh (Maniacally) Part Two (324-327)

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Fredo elegantly sipped his 'wine'. One arm was casually slung over the backrest, his body slightly angled toward the screen. A shallow smile highlighted his exquisite facial features. Taking another sip, Fredo was the picture-perfect definition of a noble.

Cotton just rolled her eyes.

She would bet her year's ration of chocolate candy that the man- someone she calls her superior... work-wise only, because fuck you Fredo and your ability to run away from responsibilities while causing chaos on concerning scales- was fangirling on the inside.

That man is basically braindead and he knows it as well. She couldn't decide which one was worse.

The dramatic scene on the screen distracted her from her thoughts. Turning around, Cotton watched the black-haired guard dog of Cale Henituse as he predatorily stalked toward Adin. Every step was carefully made and carried his emotions like armor. Anger. Hatred. Distaste. The desire to destroy.

It didn't carry an ounce of elegance, rather it was filled with wildness. Choi Han appeared like a feral animal that was just getting ready to sink his teeth into his prey.

Honestly, it completely freaked her out.

(How can anyone switch from a dementedly loyal puppy to a feral, rabid dog in seconds???)

Choi Han started to walk toward Adin.

"How could someone move so quickly?!"

One of the knights could not hide his shock.

Hannah rolled her eyes.

You call that fast? How amusing.

A bloodthirsty grin formed on her scarred face. She wondered how those weaklings would react to her chasing them. Their blood would look pretty on the floor, giving them at least one proper use in their frankly pathetic lives.

Jack saw the grin on his sister's face and pitied whoever gained her attention. Normally, he would try to distract her but his attention was needed elsewhere. Rex was looking alarmingly pale, Jack noted. Maybe the gruesome scenes were getting to him? The young beastman looked like he was one step away from fainting.

Was Choi Han this scary?

(Yes, he was, but that wasn't what scared Rex right now. Choi Han on the screen couldn't touch him- maybe in his nightmares, but that is a problem for future Rex-no, what scared him right now is Hannah in all her maniacal glory and the nonchalant smile Jack was indulgingly giving his sister.

What is wrong with these people?!

Is it the influence of the young master? Will Rex also turn out that way? Oh gods...please save his sanity.

The gods were too busy to reply but saved his prayer under 'delusional dreams that shall be ignored as even gods couldn't do anything against whatever the person wished for'.

...on an unrelated note, Cale's dream of slacker life was also archived in that area. )

He could just see a black blur.
A human and his sword that were both covered in black aura was charging toward Imperial Prince Adin as if he was a wild animal.
The black aura continued to run wild as Choi Han moved.

Many sharp intakes of breath resonated through the silent room. Nobles and other people alike couldn't believe the animalistic side Choi Han was showing them at the moment. He looked so easygoing...most of the time.

The son of Marquis Ailan wiped his brow with a handkerchief, sweat drops formed on his delicate skin.

He may have entertained the idea of challenging Choi Han to an honor battle...but maybe, just maybe, that's a bad idea.

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