Northeastern Nobles unite (Ch 194/195), War is coming

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The revelations of the last video presented Side C with many questions, some got answered while even more appeared as time went by. Those of Side A acted a bit more apprehensive and muted than their supposed boisterous and superior self that they showed previously.

Just one measly meeting before the war will officially begin.

With a future that could mirror their own, at least from the enemy's actions. Side A was actually paying attention. Not just Alberu was writing down the information, others joined in as well.

Side C watched with a mixture of disbelief, anticipation and mostly confusion.

Meanwhile, Side B was shrouded in something that resembles a party mode as they can't wait for the scene to play where the world finally witnessed Cale's awesomeness.

Clopeh's green eyes were resembling a supernova so shiny and expressive were they at that moment. The knight (?) can't wait for the world to acknowledge his lord's divine status. Oh, how great it will be. His serpentine like colored eyes, hiding their usual cruelty and cunningness behind a front of utter madness, stare at the paused screen. It seems that he is completely ignoring the fact that he was the antagonist of the next battle or that it ended in his defeat with a loss of limbs and brain cells.


While the room can be divided in different emotions, one level above, the gods weren't much better off. The God of Death in all of his elegance and gracefulness was this close to getting out a light stick and to start cheering for Cale. The handsome man sat with crossed legs on the couch and was elegantly holding a glass of wine in his hand. The God of Death resembles a model more than anything right now.

'A pity that he's a fool.', the Sun Goddess Angelina thought. She is always partially salty when the idiot manages to appear more elegant than her without even trying.

The God of Mischief wants the show to continue and didn't really like the calmness that slowly filled the room. With a snap of his hand, the screen continued with a scene change.

Cale just sighed when he saw that the pause ended. Alberu patted his head in sympathy while Choi Han just stared expressionlessly at the screen.

Side C didn't even had the time to converse with anyone before the next round of watching started.

The territory that was the closest to the Roan Kingdom and the start of the Northeast region.
The Wheelsman territory.

Eric, Amiru and Gilbert alongside their parents and the other northern nobles guided their curious eyes towards the screen.

A noble meeting.

Something like this never happened in the last decades. They saw how Cale reacts to threats and judging by the sweat filled faces of some of the nobles, these nobles know themselves enough to make an educated guess that they won't just stay down and let a seemingly trashy young master without any position command them around.

Are their counterparts missing because they have died under the young master's hands after insulting him and probably his people as well?

They remembered what happened to Venion Stann, his counterpart who witnessed everything fell into madness. The once elegant Venion Stann was muttering without stopping, his eyes wide and filled with fear, his hands a trembling mess. This is what happens if you defy Cale Henituse and harm his people.

Shudders travel down their spines. Some already held their hands up- unknowingly mimicking Clopeh during his hourly prayer sessions- and just hoped that their counterparts are stupid and not suicidal.

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