Battle of Castle Leona Round Two (218/219)

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Angelina took pride in the fact that she fulfills her role as a judge as close to perfection as possible.

She is a fair god.

She follows her own laws and expects her faithful to do the same.

A fair judgement that is not clouded in greed or circumstances.

What a fool she is.

Year after year she watched as her church descended into personal greed.

Healing for the sick and hurt, something that should be natural, become a way to fill the pockets of the higherups. The poor came to ask for help but were rejected. Injuries forced whole families to starve to death as the breadwinner couldn't feed the family. Children were robbed of a future thanks to an accident.

All those smaller and bigger injuries could be healed in seconds. However, her faithful didn't deem the lives of those equal to their own.

And the rich?

They sponsored money and riches just to come for healing because of a common cold, while outside those lavish doors men and women were dying in pain and fear. The only crime they committed was not being born into a rich family.

She began hating her church.

Still, not all people were bad. In hopes of changing her corrupted church, she sent every few decades a Saint or Holy Maiden. To change her church and make it shine again.

In the end, she destroyed innocent lives by granting them her grace.

Jack and Hannah weren't the first to fall victim to the greedy and corrupted higherups of the church. Not one single Saint or Holy Maiden lived a fulfilling life in the last few centuries.

As a god that is bound by the laws of existence and the chains of being a divine entity won't allow her to interfere too much. She could send messages to her followers, but who would listen and actually do what she commands?

No one.

Her beautiful children had to face pain, betrayal and discrimination when they should have been worshiped as her voice in the human realm.

Side B managed to achieve what she wished for. They destroyed her church and rebuild it. She now can proudly call her church hers again.

The Church of the Sun Goddess.

Side A on the other hand killed her children. They are as corrupted as ever and don't deserve mercy. There is no young master Cale that helps her. Angelina was contemplating whether she simply could just leave that world all together.

Her temples would collapse and all the priests with her power would lose it.

A cruel decision, she knows this.

However, Angelina can't continue like this. Day for day those rotten individuals use her name to gain wealth and reputation. They abuse the power she granted them. Just taking away their power would do nothing.

Give it a few centuries and the old principles would be restored. Cale and her children on Side B made sure that this won't happen.

Maybe, it's time to leave the fate of Side A to those watching.

That's what she thought until that pig- ah, sorry, that would be an insult to those poor pigs- opened his mouth and started spewing nonsense and stupidity.

The bishop was throwing around accusations. Once, under different circumstances she would have agreed. Dark is not bad in itself but when used wrong it can destroy the world. The same could be said for the light. The perfect example was that rotten bishop over there.

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