A Dragon's Wrath (336-338)

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Eruhaben's inhumanly beautiful face combined with his free upper body caused massive fainting in the crowd. Soft thuds announced the unconscious state of most of the elf faction – the dark elves of Side B were still conscious thanks to a slightly higher threshold while those of Side A joined the ones on the floor with only a few exceptions remaining upright – and even many nobles couldn't handle Eruhaben; the tough situation on the screen didn't matter.

People, especially humans, were simple creatures. They see something nice, they get distracted by it.

Crown Prince Alberu didn't care about the fainted individuals. While he did spare them a brief glance, his mind was occupied between staring in awe at a dragon in action and feeling despondent at the casual display of power by the enemy leader.

Eruhaben's clothes were ripped in many places. A few trails of blood tainted his skin while highlighting the previous battle scars he carried with him. He looked menacing and dangerous, like a true predator, yet the White Star didn't seem bothered.

This was more than alarming, Alberu noted, slightly hysterical.

Raon's floating body was still stuffed behind Cale's frail one. The redhead on the screen had his eyes locked on the conflict, worryingly biting his lips.

Only then did another thought hit Alberu's mind.

...his children?

He blinked at Cale, who was relaxing at the dragon table, acting like the few hundred gazes directed toward him didn't bother him in the slightest. Red-brown eyes met his own pale blue ones.

Cale blinked back, questioningly.


Why else would a dragon follow a human around? It has been obvious from the go that the ancient dragon cherished Raon as well as had a soft spot for Cale. Yet, Alberu and probably many others as well, didn't expect Eruhaben to straight up claim them as his own.

During the time Alberu spent thinking 'Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!', 'Of course, it's the young master.', and 'How are we supposed to beat the White Star when he swatted a dragon like a fly?!' other people caught onto the main points as well.

Eruhaben took it with grace and only sighed like the suffering father that his counterpart is.

He'd have to be blind to not see the affection his other self had for the children, which is why his attention is more focused on the White Star and not the dramatic claim his counterpart made.

(He resolutely ignored the pang in his chest at the world he will never have.)

This wasn't looking good.

The screen agreed and displayed the dragon's injured form from a better point of view, not forgetting to narrate along the way.

Cale could see other injuries on Eruhaben as well.

Eruhaben's shirt was shabby after being damaged by the explosion.
He could see old scars on Eruhaben's chest, back, and stomach, as well as around his body.

'...A Dragon with old scars?'

This made Cale think about Choi Han and Witira, the future Whale Queen. They both had large and small scars throughout their bodies.

"Did he just call me old?", Witira asked with an amused huff. She did it jokingly, taking no harm from Cale's statement as she knew she was considered more than old to humans.

Well, that was until Archie opened his mouth.

"You are old.", the killer whale snorted. His next laugh got caught in his throat when a menacing glare was aimed at him. Witira's eyes promised death while her pretty face was still holding an amiable expression.

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