Naval Battle Round One (202)

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Operation Ghost.

Many pale faces thought about what it could mean. Sweat covered their skin as they tried to connect the operation with old tales they have heard about in the passing. Will their enemies be cursed by the necromancer like the tales of old told them?

Most threw away that thought as they came to know Mary over many videos and the way she interacted with people. They saw her fight as well. The calm girl- woman? They can't really tell with her covered face and monotone voice- fights with dead mana, not curses.

Actually, if they want curses, they should rather contact the Ex-priestess Cage.

One older viscount scratched his chin while calmly thinking about different options. The man had many ideas, some weirder than others, yet he always cycles back to his first thought.

Ghosts are the souls of the dead.

The young master plans to annihilate all the enemies so that only their rage-filled souls can transform into ghosts to lessen their regrets of crossing the commander.

A savage smirk made its way onto the elder man's face. How will the young master achieve that? Some plans are hinted at, yet the older noble can't make head or tails of them. He belongs to the Gyerre faction and noticed early on that their heads, both Antonio and Sonata, will switch from the Third Prince to the Crown Prince Alberu. Anyone with eyes could see that.

The viscount is not against that decision, rather he supports it wholeheartedly.

The Third Prince is not bad in the grand scheme of things, he'd make an adequate ruler. However, adequate is not enough in war times and if the kingdom wants to prosper and thrive. Previously, Crown Prince Alberu had partly hidden his strength and was suppressed by others. He couldn't show them his power and ability.

Things changed and only the stupidly loyal ones still deny the superior ability of Alberu Crossman.

Focusing his attention back on the paused screen, the viscount felt gleeful. He knows that it will be impossible to replicate Side B's victories, yet every small piece of information will help them in the long run. Grinning some more, the noble also can't deny the malicious excitement he feels at the prospect of being able to watch the enemies that dared to harm the Raon Kingdom getting the karma they deserve.

The air surrounding all sides was humming. For some, their nerves were on fire and excitement almost boiled over. Others were less thrilled and more absolutely terrified. Only a few skeptics remained, however, those idiots are deemed a lost cause by the rest of the spectators and were mostly ignored.

The break soon ended as the gods returned to their places. They had to arrange the discussed conditions and further actions that Cale and they decided on. Some gods laughed mischievously- actually, that was only one-, while most of them had solemn expressions on their faces.

No matter the outcome, after this sequence is over, chaos will reign.

Cale, sitting downstairs and acting like he wasn't part of any world-changing plots, was just stoically eating some cookies that Ron gave him.

Then the screen continued, excited eyes watch at the video.

The Ubarr territory is located on the Roan Kingdom's northeastern shoreline.
The liege of the Ubarr territory, Popelina Ubarr, looked around while taking in the cold ocean breeze.
Young lady Amiru, her future successor, was cautiously watching her.

Both ladies of Side A watched their counterparts as they prepared for an invasion via ships. Even Popelina couldn't stay calm, her hands were grasping the teacup in front of her with enough force to turn her fingertips white.

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