Rosalyn's Guide on How to Renovate (featuring Choi Han and Lock) Side Story 5

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Choi Jung Soo smiled, black eyes sparkling in the nonexistent sun.

The God of Death did not like that at all.

"How bad is it?", he asked instead. A migraine started plaguing him. It was a specific one that was hard to get rid of, he not-so-fondly calls it Jung Soo or menace. Depends on the mood, really. Choi Jung Soo continued smiling.

Slowly, the God of Death started panicking.

They stared at each other for a few seconds until Jung Soo finally decided to put the God of Death out of his misery.

"It's not bad bad. Just....interesting." which did nothing for the already frail nerves of the god.

"What happened?", the god repeated with a frown. His fellow gods took great joy in his suffering and openly laughed. Angelina muttered something that sounded like 'karma' while the God of War patted his shoulder.

"You left me alone for too long and had Cale, as well as Roksoo, kidnapped without telling me, which is just rude. Why wasn't I called as well? I am a great kidnapper and could have helped. Anyways. You left me alone and I noticed this fancy pocket dimension removed from time with your signature basically stinking it up. Obviously, I went in to investigate. Taking a glimpse inside, imagine my surprise when I found my favorite people chilling here. Without me." The God of Death could practically taste the passive-aggressive complaints of Jung Soo.

With a huff, Jung Soo continued his rant.

"So, here I was, all alone and bored.", the God of Death felt shivers down his spine, "When I realized that if Roksoo was kidnapped, who is looking after his cute niece? She is just a tiny girl and shouldn't be left alone, right? The responsible adult that I am, I naturally dropped everything and visited her."

'Is it too late to quit my job?', the God of Death thought, depressed. His obsidian eyes stared at the ceiling as if he was questioning the gods till he realized that he was one of them. And the rest would rather laugh at him than help.

Gods can't be relied on.

(For the first time, the God of Death felt like he could understand Cale a bit more.)

"And?", he asked with a dry voice. As this pocket dimension is removed from time, the world outside appears as if everything stopped. This way, the people of the two worlds (three if Rok Soo is counted) won't have to worry about wasting time. Naturally, to do this, only the souls of the people from those worlds could be transported. Their bodies are probably littering the floor in their worlds, or something.

(He just knows that Cale went to sleep. So, his body is comfortably resting on a fluffy cushion.

Contrary to popular belief, he isn't suicidal.)

Choi Jung Soo laughed, it sounded anything but humorful to the god's ears.

"Imagine my surprise when I found the hilarious form of a sprawled on the floor Kim Roksoo." And his confused niece, who was frozen in that exact moment, was left unsaid. Jung Soo first came from the pocket dimension, which is why the laws from that area affected him, and the time in the other worlds stayed frozen for him as well.

"Buuut." he drawled out, his eyes shining brightly with mischief. "I also found someone else."

"You may know him. Cute redhead, looking a bit stupid but that seems more in confusion than lack of brain cells. He was also frozen. Kinda looked like he expected it to happen." What Jung Soo didn't tell was that he was so shocked by another Cale, he tripped over Rok Soo's frozen form on the floor. When he realized that this wasn't his dear friend but rather the younger version of that other gremlin, he instantly came back to the pocket dimension.

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