The White Star (333-335)

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The room was buzzing with activities. People talked left and right, trying to guess what kind of fake the young master is this time. What could a dragon have discovered that made him announce it to the world?

"Did he realize that the young master is not the original?", one noble asked with bated breath. With wide eyes, he stared at his companion like he just uncovered the greatest drama plot of the century.

"And how would he do that? The dragon-nim didn't know the original young master, only the transmigrator.", the other pointed out.

"But he is a dragon. What can't dragons do?"

"...yes, but no."

Kim Rok Soo listened in with an amused grin on his face. More and more speculations appeared - the gods conveniently paused the screen to give people time to think up ludicrous ideas, and each one got wilder and wilder.

He listened impressed when someone voiced the idea that Cale may have become a god and the dragon just found out, wanting to declare his undying loyalty along the way. The counterpoint with the whole 'he is a fake' didn't seem to matter.

Ladies giggled, men laughed, and the crowd once again proved that intelligence wasn't a required trait to survive natural selection.

Nonetheless, Kim Rok Soo grabbed a stack of papers – Clopeh looked around confused when he realized that his stack of deceased wood was smaller than he remembered it to be – and started writing. Cale gazed at him, curiously.

"What are you writing down?", the noble asked. Even the God of Death looked interested. He tried to covertly gaze at the written words, only to gain a glare filled with distaste from Kim Rok Soo. In the end, Kim Rok Soo decided to explain his actions, only to get them off his back.

"I am writing down Cale's tale as well as the ridiculous ideas from the rest of the peanut gallery to sell them later to some filming studios. The profit I could make with those ideas is not something to scoff at."

Cale eyes sparkled at the prospect of money. A calculative glint in those enchanting eyes sent shivers down Kim Rok Soo's spine.

"Hm.", Cale hummed cheerfully with a warm smile on his lips, "And what do I get out of this?"

Kim Rok Soo raised a brow.

"You'll become a fictional hero."


"People will praise your-"

"Hard pass."

"The money I'll gain will be used to support my niece and my lifestyle."

"I'll set you and the papers on fire if you think that you'll get away with making money thanks to me and not giving me anything.", Cale stared at him, utterly unimpressed.

Kim Rok Soo stared right back.

However, the seasoned war veteran and current monster hunter couldn't measure up to Cale's intense stare. He averted his eyes and muttered, "How about we talk about the details at a later point?" He partly hoped that Cale would forget but knew better.

That man never forgot and even less when it concerned money.

Cale smirked triumphantly and went back to staring at the screen. His butt started tingling a while and even his legs felt heavy. As comfortable as the lap of the God of Death is – not that he will ever tell him that -, Cale really needed to stretch his legs. With a heavy sigh, Cale stood up.

The God of Death wanted to protest but then remembered that he had some guests upstairs and should maybe check on them. Kids don't starve or die of boredom after just a few hours, right? He left them some cookies and milk. Or did he? He was sure he did. They were perfectly fine.

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