Naval Battle Round Two (203/204)

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With emotions high, the spectators watched as the sea descended into silence.

Some would describe it as the eye of a storm, an illusion of calmness before tragedy will hit. They will rage upon the unsuspecting enemies like a typhoon with no mercy. A clear desire to sweep them away manifested in not only the soldiers on screen, but also caught many watching from the safety of the room.

Hearts beat like drums and no one dared to comment or even let out any noise, fearing to miss just a second. Sweet covered some foreheads and many mouths were drawn in a tight line, it was like they couldn't decide whether to rise in expectation and joy at the prospect of the annihilation of those daring enemies or fall into horror as they saw the giant enemy fleets advancing, knowing that this enemy fleet will be their opponent as well and they aren't prepared.

It looked like the migration of seasonal birds.
The approximately three hundred ships cutting through the water were moving in a triangle formation.

Not just one person stared in horror.

They all thought that Clopeh Sekka's wyvern brigade was already terrifying enough, yet staring at the large fleet, where the soldiers have trained and perfected their plan for months if not years, they felt a new sense of despair.

Just how will they survive this?

This fleet of ships had started from the Indomitable Alliance's Norland Naval Base.

"Fucking Norland.", some started cursing. It was a weak insult and everybody knew it, but what else could they do?

The Indomitable Alliance, with every new plan revealed, sounded like they made the right decision when naming themselves.

However, Cale noticed a somewhat funny fact. He didn't particularly care about the battle as he already knows how awesome his children are. For them, those daring enemies are dead anyways.

The redhead found the name of the alliance rather funny.

The Indomitable Alliance, as its name states, won't be dominated.

(Cale's ignoring the fact that he did exactly that.)

The enemies will never be dominated, but they also never promised to dominate the world as well. Now that Cale knows the truth of who was backing them, it is no wonder. After all, the White Star wished to dominate the world with his army and people, a measly 'Indomitable Alliance' can't even dream about taking his place. It seemed that they knew their place as well. Mostly unconsciously as the redhead is sure that the White Star is an unknown entity to them, but it's still amusing.

In the end, the Indomitable Alliance got dominated and the wannabe god got what he deserved. A nice shiny stick through the chest.

No sword or magic attack, but a stick. A fancy stick as the stick was made out of a fancy tree. Also, the White Star got a brick to the head as well, that however was during the trial.

Still, great ways to defeat a megalomanic. Just use seemingly random things that could be found anywhere.

At the center of the formation was the largest of the icebreaker ships that broke through the frozen northern shores. The helmeted knight was currently being healed at the highest cabin on this ship.

"How pitiful."

Some jumped in fright when the scene suddenly shifted and showed the injured Dragon Slayer. He looked like he was probably feeling, in short, a total mess.

Those watching enjoyed his pained expression and every frown he did, managed to make the people watching rather happy.

The Dragon Slayer started to frown after hearing the healer's comment, however, he could not speak properly right now. The healer sighed before casting a healing spell onto the Dragon Catcher's heart.

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