Hannah, Jack, and Mary (Ch 330/331)

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Even though the atmosphere was tense and heavy with anticipation, some people didn't seem to get the memo.

One noble stared at the crack in the pavement with a critical eye. A thoughtful hum left his throat and he asked his neighbor, all serious, "Does this count as destruction of public property?"

His partner to the side just rolled his eyes dramatically.

"Ah yes, priorities. It isn't like we haven't seen literal islands getting blown up but you chose to mention a small crack in the pavement? Not to mention, it isn't even on our Roan grounds."

"But what if the young master gets arrested because of that?"

"Are you stupid or are you stupid? He is attempting murder at the moment as well as leading a revolution with the aim to demolish the existing royalty in the Empire. I think those two are a bit higher priority. Why would anyone care if some of his subordinates crack up the floor?", the other man scoffed. He waved his hand around to make his point more convincing.

Before the first noble could question the other's – solid – logic, a third voice silenced them with a glare and some harsh words.

The grinning form of Hannah stood proud near the dent she caused. Wide, savage eyes and snarling lips. Hannah looked feral, yet she couldn't compare to the inhuman visage of Sir Bernard, who finally gave up on acting like a human being. Condescending eyes - like everyone was just an ant or even less – and utter indifference to the struggling citizens near them.

Sir Bernard, still cloaked in a human disguise, was anything but.

A large pit had been created from her attack.

"Ahhh! The explosion-!"

The ground of the plaza shot out debris as it crumbled.
People tried to cover their faces with both of their arms in order to protect themselves from the gust of wind and debris.

"What?", people shouted. What is the holy maiden doing? Is she trying to kill people? Weren't they protecting and rescuing them?

However, nobody spoke further words after the shocked exclamation. It was partially because they know that the young master plans further than that and mainly because a few dragons were glaring at them, daring them to shout abuse at the young master and his companions. They wisely stayed quiet.

Having dragons is like cheating.



However, they did not need to do that.

Priests in white robes who suddenly appeared in front of the citizens opened up their arms to block the debris.
One of the citizens who had been blankly standing there with his bag in his arms made eye contact with the priestess who turned around.

It was a middle-aged woman with a gentle appearance.

"May the light be with you."

The citizen started to frown after hearing what the priestess had to say.

Freesia smiled, serenely. Her gentle appearance distracted people from the blades hidden in various places on her body as well as her expansive knowledge about unfortunate accidents. The only one who was willingly blind is Rock Sekka, but people stooped calling him sane after his relation to Clopeh came to light.

Her counterpart gazed at the screen with an amused smile. She had been thinking for a while now about Side B and the various adventures they participated in. Maybe, she could join a faction after all. Living in hiding from some unnecessarily vindictive and annoying people gets boring rather quickly.

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