How to Info Bomb and the Start of the War (Ch 192)

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Besides the somewhat panicking Kim Rok Soo, the room was shrouded in silence.

Th new individuals, just a pathetic few and nothing compared to the mass of people presented by Side A, wearily stare at the room and its individuals.

Cale watched them with a stoic expression, not giving any hint to his inner chaos. They may not be the future of Side A or even the past of Side B, they could be one completely separate timeline as well. Cale doesn't think that the new arrivals have anything to do with their own timeline. The gods are mighty- not that he will ever tell them that-, yet they shouldn't be able to take something from an erased timeline.

An erased timeline.

Kind of weird, now that he thinks about it.

The future that Count Cale Henituse witnessed was erased as to never have existed. Cale was taken from his previous world and then created a new future for Side B. The past that Kim Rok Soo, previously Cale, witnessed is no more.

It's probably weird and painful for Kim Rok Soo as all those familiar faces don't have the memories he suffered through. They aren't the people he may have joked or argued with. In the end, Count Cale Henituse gave up everything- his name, identity and even the precious shared memories with people he loves as he will be the only one always remembering a past that is no more- to gain another chance at life.

Cale doesn't know if he could have been as strong as the new Kim Rok Soo.

Cale, when he was Kim Rok Soo, had already lost everything. The past also hadn't been erased, which didn't change the deaths of his dear friends. However, this means that all the bonds he created- and lost- are still mutual.

As much as he thinks that the past wouldn't matter too much to him (a lie and he knows it) and maybe, Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk would have been better off without him, the thought that they wouldn't remember him and would have lived just fine without him hurts. It feels like his chest will burst from pain.

Cale is selfish, a bastard really. He won't hesitate to eliminate dangers to his family. He is not a good person.

A good person gets exploited. They lose and lose, and lose some more. A good person can't survive.

It's like the saying goes. Either you die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Cale never played the hero- he doesn't save for the sake of saving and doesn't give away his things simply because the others need it- and he also doesn't want the responsibilities that come with that heavy title. The people in his new world will soon forget him and his 'deeds'.

He's selfish and if people truly know what he did- all those crimes he committed- they won't call him 'hero'. Cale will soon be labeled as a 'villain'.

Yet the thought of experiencing the same as Kim Rok Soo, previously Cale, pains him.

The thought that all of his precious people not know who he is- his little Raon not screaming 'weak human' all the time, his dear On and Hong not cuddling with him and cutely meowing, even his Choi Han scaring the life out of him by standing directly behind the door- Cale will not allow that to happen.

Neither heaven, hell or even earth will be able to take his people, he already lost so many and another failure isn't an option.

Cale will fight. It won't be 'pretty', 'fair' or 'rational'. Cale will go for their throat.

His cloudy eyes stare into nothingness while thoughts wander his mind. Whoever those new people are, they aren't connected to Side B and he doubts that they are involved with Side A as well.

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