Battle of Castle Leona Round One (215-217)

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An awkward silence descended upon the room.

Awkward for those who don't want to believe that Cale went as far as destroying not just a church building but the whole church itself. The others, mostly Side B, were minding their own business. Nothing new there.

The bishop was fuming, while Cale nonchalantly drank his tea.

Their church was destroyed?

How? Why? What?

Be it royal, noble or cleric alike they all were staring in astonishment. Alberu was looking at his counterpart, who smiled in response.

They really did it?

Some were still harboring doubts about the authenticity of Cale's exclamation. It was just too ludicrous and impossible. A human, even with the aid of dragons, can't just go and destroy a church.

Their god would intervene. Even if he, they were still misgendering Angelina, did not involve himself you can't just destroy a whole church and plant their own people. Where could Cale find some holy and capable believers of the God of the Sun?

The bishop knows that Jack and Hannah, those two fakes, must have played a role. Did Cale build a fake church upon the believe that those two are real?

He laughed. It was not a nice or melodious laugh. The bishop laughed with a deep, mocking tone that reverberated throughout the silent room. A scratchy sound that no one would call pleasant.

He clutched his belly with his hands, while almost falling thanks to his hysterical laughter.

"Hahaha!" Tears were falling out of his eyes, mocking and taunting those foolish, stupid peasants.

Cale ignored the commotion that the bishop caused. Ron appeared next to Cale as well, having sensed that his tea was empty and, the trusty and capable butler that he is, he refilled Cale's cup. A benign smile on his lips, while his eyes are trained on the still laughing bishop.

Not just Ron was alerted. Beacrox inched closer to the end of the couch. If needed he can cross the room in a few seconds to eliminate the threat.

Alberu appeared to be relaxed. He had his legs crossed, a smile on his lips and was sipping tea. Upon closer inspection, his muscles are tense and his left arm was resting nearby the pocket where Taerang is stored.

Choi Han skipped the part where he should appear non-threatening. His role is being Cale's bodyguard, his Guardian Knight. His murderous black pupils where locked onto the crazy bishop. One wrong move and his neck will be removed from the rest of his body. No god or mortal will be able to stop him from defending Cale.

The children and others present at the table were visibly tense.

The only other calm individual is the God of Death. His black eyes appear normal. No anger, stress or annoyance found. His hands were clenching leisurely around a glass of wine.

Only Cage and her counterpart, as the ones who are the most familiar and sensitive with his aura, know the truth.

The god's aura was building itself up like a storm. Black tendrils cloaked the whole table, ready to bring death at any moment.

Cale knew that if the situation continues, his idiots will be the ones who'll go crazy. Consequences be damned.

He sighed in annoyance and took another sip of the bitter liquid.

The bishop finally stopped his embarrassing performance. Tears still fresh on his face and his eyes were crinkled in malicious crescents.

"You destroyed our church?", his tone carried mockery and malice.

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