How to Snatch a Dragon: Beginner's Edition (18-20) Part Two

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Since the Marquis used money, Cale used money as well. Cale patted the magic bag on his waist.

Cale was getting a bit uncomfortable as not only one Alberu was staring judgingly at him but two. From two sides, he received twin looks of utter 'I'm-not-even-close-to-impressed' and 'What-kind-of-logic-is-that?!'. Side B's Alberu was even additionally throwing in a smile that spelled 'Move-one-inch-further-and-I-will-tell-everyone-where-you-hide-your-backup-money'.

Cale was cornered and he knew it. A grimace crossed his face when he also remembered an instance of quality money spending that gave him a much-needed Ancient Power. Surely, his hyung will understand the gravity of the situation and not punish him for maybe eviscerating Alberu's money per hungry lava lake? It was for a good cause?

On another completely unrelated note, is Queen Litana's offer to move to her territory still standing?

This was a magic bag that allowed you to store a lot of items. Inside this bag were all sorts of magic items, useful tools, and objects.

"I just need to take out the guards?"

Naturally, Choi Han would be doing the battling. Why would Cale even try to fight when such a strong person was next to him? Cale thought paper-cuts hurt a lot, so he didn't want to even think about getting cut by a sword.

Some people had confused smiles on their faces. Paper cuts hurt? Silly young master.

Others remembered a far grimmer instance. Cale was still standing tall, his body littered with thin streaks oozing blood, not unlike paper cuts. His whole body was covered in them, appearing like a shattering art piece instead of a healthy young man. Raon remembered how his human's blood dripped onto the floor, covering the dirty ground with his human's life force, and he couldn't do anything but cry next to Cale.

As a dragon, Raon is an expert in the art of destroying stuff, healing and saving are not something he can do on his own. Not having lived through his first decade yet the small dragon experienced so much pain and suffering. However, Raon is older now. It doesn't matter that only a few months have passed. Raon is stronger and healthier, and he will not fail again. The others also agree with him, one of the reasons why nobody but Cale stopped their training after the war.

Their Cale will never again have to suffer, be it from hunger or 'paper cuts'. Every single one of them will make sure of it.

"Yes. You are the only one I can rely on to cover my back."

Amid his morose mood, Choi Han offered a small smile at Cale's trusting words.

'At least for now.'

...never mind.

Cale looked at Choi Han with a serious expression, and Choi Han nodded his head and sincerely responded back.

"I will definitely live up to your expectations."
"Yes. As I mentioned, make sure they see our outfit and then knock them out. Don't kill them, and don't show them your sword art. You remember what to do after that, right?"

Rosalyn patted Choi Han's shoulder after she witnessed Cale's brutal dismissal of Choi Han's words. The swordmaster didn't appreciate her pity- eh, sympathy and moodily shoved her hand off his shoulder, his sad puppy eyes changed direction toward an outwardly calm Cale, who acted like he did not see the gaze of his loyal knight. Inwardly, he was sweating. Why is Choi Han suddenly angry? Did he do something wrong? Does he want a piece of his pie as well?

Side A followed slightly different priorities. Most leaders took notice of Cale's tactic- also known as shifting the blame to the actual enemies, who had nothing to do with the attack but aren't there to defend themselves so they shall take the pot. Not only was it a highly entertaining tactic from those watching point of view but it also solved all problems and possible dangers during the operation.

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