Hide-and-Seek Round Two (320)

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Dodori stared at the screen with sparkling eyes.

What makes a hero a hero?

Is it the legend they leave behind? The long-told tales of their might, characteristics, and ability? Shaking his head, Dodori continued thinking about it. No, he loves his tales. Legends of heroes sound awesome. Even he, a dragon, listened in awe when the story was told. Yet, tales are exaggerated, he knows this.

So, a hero tale is nice but it doesn't tell the whole story.

Is a hero someone who only gives and not takes? Does a hero need to be selfless to truly be defined as such?

His mom always scoffs when he voiced this thought. She thinks those people are stupid. Dodori didn't really get it most of the time as he couldn't imagine any other trait a hero should have. Sure, being strong, awesome, and maybe not fully human are some traits that further the prestige of heroes. Yet, heroes need to be nice and help those in need, right?

Cale Henituse isn't like his dream hero at all, yet at the same time, Dodori can't imagine anyone else being better suited for the awesome title of hero.

The man loots everything that isn't nailed down (even then, he probably still takes it), yet he shows kindness to strangers. He kills without hesitation, yet he saves in the same breath. He doesn't want responsibilities, yet he accepts them all when lives are in danger.

The man is an enigma.

Dodori sweatdropped when another thought hit him.

Ah, he also likes to act like a villain, the exact opposite of a hero. The young dragon stared at the screen, watching Cale and his people as they casually planned a coup.

Cale Henituse isn't a picture book hero.

He is more than just some words, black and white, and Dodori, for the first time, finally understood what his mom was always talking about. Being selfish can also be a hero trait. Being mean as well.

Dodori looked around.

His world will never hear the awesome tale of Cale Henituse, the Crimson Commander. That's not good. With a suddenly burning fire in his heart, Dodori used the conveniently stacked paper tower next to him and started writing down the tale.

(Clopeh sneezed. With a wild look, the knight speculated about the sudden sense of excitement in his heart. It was like someone finally opened their eyes. Casting another glance and not finding a definite answer, Clopeh turned his attention back to continue writing the holy bible of his lord.

Cale, meanwhile, felt a shiver down his spine. Something feels wrong. Just utterly wrong.

...is someone talking shit about him?)

Setting aside Clopeh's maniacal writing spree, Cale's sudden dread, and Dodori's enlightenment, most of the room paid attention to the happenings on the screen in front of them.

The road leading to the north gate. Cale looked around at his surroundings.

Some people who never had been to the Empire looked at the streets with critical eyes. Merchants and travelers always talked about the grandness and prestige of the Empire. Some, in their stupid naivety, expected roads made out of gold and stone figures everywhere.

The streets there looked like any other. Stony, as they were made out of common stone, with many cracks making it difficult for carriages to pass through. The sides were darker than the main road as dirt and garbage ended up in piles.

Such a busy and important street yet no official cared enough to keep it well cared for. Cale scoffed. One more proof that the imperial family of the Empire, ah, excuse him, the previous imperial family didn't care for the common folk.

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