Path of No Return Part 2 (76-78)

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Litana was cautious, but soon she started to speak.

"Get him a blanket."

She couldn't help her mentality of a Queen, who was taught that she needed to protect the weak.
The red-haired man, Cale, was shaking as he approached Litana's group.

– Weak human, beware of catching a cold. But why is your expression different than usual? Are you very sick?

Raon's voice, which required him to use a paw's worth of strength, reached Cale's mind. However, Cale was hiding his plot from Raon, as he simply received the blanket and responded with a gentle smile and a respectful attitude.

"Thank you very much."

He didn't look like his trash self, but an upright noble.

Antonio snorted.

His grandmother had a similar thought, hiding her amused if slightly condescending laugh behind her wine glass.

The young master was great at fooling others and an expert at fooling himself.

The kitten On looked toward Cale with disbelief.

Cale was slowly setting the bait.

They were taking the bait.

"He was so believable," one of her subordinates who accompanied her that day whispered. He draped his baffled self across the table, almost knocking over some plates. "I really thought he was suffering."

One consoled him, "He didn't lie though? The young master was drenched to the bone, even though he had mages he didn't use magic to keep himself dry. Sure, it was all for the ploy, but the level of dedication and honesty is something else. I admire him."

"You admire him? For being able to fool us?"

"Yes? He fooled us but tell me where did we lose out? What disadvantages did we get? Who did we lose?"

"...good points."

Litana blushed.

It was true, they were pretty gullible, and with 'they' she naturally meant herself. She was still annoyed and that won't change any time soon, however, her anger was directed at herself and not the young master. He could have asked for so much more, demanding shares, riches, people, and more, and yet he accepted the small piece of land she gave him; humbly allowing her to build a villa for him since she felt bad about it.

The young master was really great.

All of the members of Litana's group had odd expressions on their faces while they were watching Cale, who slowly walked to a corner of the cave and sat down.

"Thank you for giving me a place to stay tonight."

It was a gentle and respectful tone.

"If he says thank you one more time, I am getting the cross," Kim Rok Soo muttered.

What kind of self-proclaimed trash said thank you as often as that idiot did? No matter acting or not, a good trash knew what compromises to make and what was acceptable.

Whereas Kim Rok Soo was proper trash, Cale was recyclable trash that acted all bad but instead helped the climate.

Pffff, amateur.

Naturally, Cale was the one who said it.
Litana shook her head at the average-looking red-haired man.


Many thoughts crossed many minds, nobody said anything out of respecting Litana's last shred of dignity.

Unfortunately, Maes and his younger siblings didn't get the memo.

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