The Battle of the Henituse Castle (198/199) Round Two

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'Is it too late to escape?', Cale thought while he watched older-but-certainly-not-more-mature Choi Han* struggling to escape his Choi Han's choke hold. Stray feet went in all directions and Alberu pulled Cale a bit further back, just to be sure.

Commander Choi Han's* eyes were red with rage, no words came through to him and Choi Han wanted to knock him out but then the system warning flashed before his eyes in obnoxious black letters on a red background.

Instead of acting properly terrified like the gods may have wanted, Choi Han rolled his eyes. The swordmaster did not live through years of the Dark Forest, a war and the rise of a wannabe-god not to mention he witnessed Cale's daily shenanigans, just to cower to some threats that don't even get a two on his 'enemy-responses-that-actually-deserve-a-comeback-and-won't-waste-my-brain-cells'-scale.

Amateur, also the writing is hideous and an insult to any artform.

One level above, the God Of Death suddenly sneezed alongside some other gods.

(Choi Han also knows that if the gods attack him or just hinder him in his quest to defend Cale, Cale will be displeased which is equal to the gods signing their own death warrants.)

It's not that he can't understand what his older counterpart is thinking.

Clopeh Sekka is a menace to society and his brain may be partially damaged, however, Choi Han has seen that the white-haired man is still terrifyingly intelligent if his legend worship didn't block his surviving brain cells. Even then, Clopeh can't be underestimated. That man started a war that involved a whole continent because he wanted to be a legend.

His morals are non-existent and his priorities are even more questionable yet his influence is the scariest part.

For gods sake, the man is running a whole secret society and a part-time church with skills that Alberu would normally hire if the attached person wasn't called Clopeh Sekka.

Choi Han understood his counterpart and would normally turn a blind eye to his double's attempted murder that wouldn't end with an attempt. He can't ignore it however. Clopeh Sekka has proven to be a useful ally and his dedication to Cale is more solid than Cale achieving his dream. During the battle in the temple of the Sealed God Clopeh also did his role as he was instructed.

The black swordmaster sighed as he continued holding his struggling counterpart.

"That XXXXX! I'll XXXX and XXX, XXX-", Choi Han winced at the coarse words of his enraged double. The older swordmaster was completely rabid, his eyes are attempting to burn holes into the nonchalantly and relaxed looking Clopeh. Clopeh even mockingly took a sip of his tea, sitting all elegant and proper like some would expect from a prestigious noble.

Rock Sekka just stared at his suicidal son and started thinking about where his son's grave should go. Would he like his grave to be near the pine tree or maybe near the fields at the other side?

Not just Choi Han* from Side C was acting violent at Clopeh's reveal. Lock tried to hide behind Rosalyn after he realized that he may have messed up, his tall and muscular frame looked comically large behind the slender one of Rosalyn. King Alberu* smiled his usual fake smile, seemingly relaxed, however, his next actions destroyed that picture. The normally calm king shredded the piece of paper in his hands and turned them into confetti, Tasha swore his actions are him practicing on how to snap Clopeh's neck.

Tower Master Rosalyn* was also steaming in rage, her fiery locks surrounded her like a burning inferno.

Alberu and Cale exchanged suffering looks. They need to act but don't really want to join the boiling situation.

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