Underground City (Ch 97-99) with a Hint of Vegetables

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The mood went down faster than Beacrox killing the fool (not the bandit but another nameless idiot) who dirtied his clothes once.

No one believed the smile the bishop was sporting. It basically screamed greed and hate. His eyes were locked onto both Mary that were being protected by Tasha and her counterpart. Cale sat up straight while still, somehow, looking relaxed and casual.

"I believe you have something that have something in your possession that shouldn't grace our presence.", the bishop smiled non-threatening, like he was just talking about the weather and not calling one of Cale's precious family members an item, and then denouncing her whole existence.

Heads are going to roll, if this continues.

No one deigned to answer, their stance clear to anyone but the bishop.

He tried again.

"Our holy church does not permit the dirty existence of necromancers or Dark Elves. Both are an insult to our god and should be eliminated. Know your place and do the right thing. We shall cleanse these unworthy dark beings and bring light once again."

Not just Cale but all of Side B were giving the delusional bishop a deadpan face mixed with anger. Can't he read the room? Or did he sleep during the last few videos? In which dimension would Cale and Co. hand over Mary and the Dark Elves just because an 'holy' and disgusting old man demands it?

Yeah, no.

Not even gods can demand Cale's people, why would a henchman get a different result?

Time to cause a mess.

Cale smiled, which didn't go unnoticed by Alberu and Choi Han. Both somewhat relaxed, although Alberu prepared to join the verbal massacre as well. Choi Han will just sit back and defend the others, if needed.

"Your holiness, I don't understand what you mean. All the people present here are beings that have the right to walk under the sun, like everyone else. Also, the only possession of your church that I own, was already given away. I'm devastated that I can't be of help." Cale activated his glib tongue and indirectly told the bishop to 'please-fuck-off'. Hopefully, he'll be able to comprehend this difficult task.

Obviously, that didn't happen.

The bishop sneered. He flicked his sleeves, almost hitting Choi Han in the face, and angrily threw all pretense of niceties away.

"Now listen well, I am a high-ranking member of the Church of the Sun God. I was chosen amongst many others to represent our holy god in this meeting. The fact that your side harbors dirty beings is an insult to our great Sun God. Hand them over now and repent your slanderous actions."


Jack, who was still present with his sister at Cale's table couldn't help but facepalm.

That fool knows nothing and is not able to learn. Cale tore that one noble apart for trying to take Raon, how was this foolish devotee- and he doubts that the bishop truly believes- under the impression that anything will change?

Jack tried to save that man's life.

"Esteemed bishop, you may-", he was cut off almost instantly by the enraged bishop.

"You shut up! You filthy, little betrayer are the reason our glorious church is losing its standing! If you and your rotten sister hadn't blown up our leaders, this wouldn't have happened! All because of you! A fake Saint and a corrupted Holy Maiden. Do you not know shame?" The bishop was angrily shouting, spitting and waving his arms around.

Alberu's eye twitched when a drop of saliva almost ended up on Cale's shirt. Luckily, the red-head leaned back, avoiding the disgusting substance. Choi Han had enough as well.

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