Wind Island Trial (350-352)

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Cale was not amused.

Even worse, he was close to snarling like a cornered beast. The couch he found himself on was comfortable, a fact he couldn't appreciate as he was too busy poking bloody holes in his palms with his nails. His heart was racing and even the thought of money couldn't calm it down.

Bud was the first to notice the scent of blood.

Confused, he looked around until his eyes fell on Cale, whose pale face became a ghostly hue. He looked one step away from the grave. With wide-open yet emotionless eyes, Cale stared ahead without focusing on anything in particular. His back was straight, something that was weird since Cale loved to slouch in his seat.

Sweat gathered at his brow as the world became unfocused. A spell of dizziness overcame Cale, swallowing his ability to control his limbs. Sweat gathered at his brow. He made for a ghastly sight.

Bud was immediately concerned.

"Cale?" Bud asked, hesitantly.

This alarmed the rest of the group. Eruhaben frowned, he grabbed Cale's right hand, turning his palm upwards and cursing when drops of blood fell onto his own. Alberu, seated on Cale's other side, immediately grabbed the other hand, finding it in the same state of injury.

Cale didn't pay them any mind. His fingers were tingling as nausea made his body weak. He didn't see the wide eyes of the God of Death, the man just stood there floundering as Cale's complexion lost all of its color only to become an unhealthy, sweaty red that was soon replaced by pure white as the blood left his face.

Raon started panicking.

"Human? Weak human, what is going on?" He fired question after question and each one that didn't receive an answer was met with more panic. Cale just sat there, staring ahead. His limbs were shaking.

Choi Jung Soo realized what was going on after waving a hand in front of Cale's eyes, not even receiving a shimmer of recognition.

"He's caught in his memories. When Cale faces an extreme amount of negative emotions, his Record goes haywire. A panic attack probably triggered Record as a bodily reaction. Right now, we can't reach him."

Choi Jung Soo gently combed some strands away from his eyes. A dark look crossed his face when he recalled the previous announcement and the probable reason as to why Cale was in this state.

With a serious face that was closer to homicidal than calm, he turned to Eruhaben, one of the more vocal people to demand this particular reaction scenario. He didn't know what the scenario entailed, but it couldn't be good.

Why can't people mind their own goddamn business?! Always demanding stuff of Cale, telling him to do this and that without paying his opinion any mind. Choi Jung Soo was sick of it. In their old world, he always held back, fearing for their future should they get fired.

However, he won't stay quiet today.

Choi Jung Soo was angry, his tone vicious as he growled, "Have you ever asked yourself why he may not want to talk about what happened there? Huh?! Can't you see that he is panicking!?"

Eruhaben was taken back, not expecting such an extreme reaction, from both Cale as well as Choi Jung Soo.

His pride as a dragon didn't allow him to back down, "He never answered when we were asking. The unlucky bastard starved for six days, his body was malnourished and weak when he came out. Of course, we need to know what happened so that it won't be repeated."

Choi Jung Soo laughed, hollowly.

"Like right now? You are forcing him to relive the past event. A situation that was traumatizing enough to make him forget to eat. Him! Not eating! Cale would eat dirt if he had to just so that he could survive. What do you think he'll do, huh?! Say 'thank you for breaching my privacy and betraying the trust I placed in you'?"

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