🔴🔵 || Jealous || W.M || ✔

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Play the song when it is noted :)

'Wake up!' someone shouts and I jolt up, it is one of the scientists 'we are gonna run some more tests so stand up' he says and I nod, I stand up and stand in position

'you know the rules... And no singing unless we tell you, understood' the man says and I nod 'okay... so. Subject 3...' he says but someone else runs inside 'keep her in the cell, we are getting attacked' the person says and I look at him

'change of plans, you stay here. But you are allowed to attack outsiders' the scientist says and they leave, I just sit on my bed and close my eyes for a second.

-Natasha's pov-

'Wanda and I are going inside' I say on coms as Wanda and I rush inside, people start attacking us but clear the area in a matter of seconds 'so how are we gonna overtake this base?' I ask 'try to clear many areas, we will join you as soon as we have cleared outside' Steve says

'copied?' I say and we start walking around 'make sure they won't get to subject 3!' someone shouts, I look at Wanda and she nods, we burst into the room 'hello' I say and blast him, the scientist falls onto the ground and Wanda and I also clear this room .

-Y/n's pov-

I sit on my bed but suddenly hear fighting sounds I look up. I then get reminded by what that scientist said and I do what I am told, I close my eyes and start singing, preparing myself for attacking whoever comes near me.


-Natasha's pov-

We are walking around as I hear something 'do you hear that?' I ask Wanda and she stops with walking to listen 'that sounds like a girl?' she says 'she sounds beautiful...' I mutter 'it's that way' Wanda says and points to a way, we rush to there and the sounds become louder, we open a door and I see a girl

'there' I say and Wanda rushes to the cell, I look around to make sure no one is there 'hey are you okay?' Wanda says and I look at the girl she has y/h/c hair y/e/c eyes and has a beautiful voice.

The girl stands up and her eyes start flashing, then they flash purple and stay purple, the singing continues and purple energy start to twirl around her.

-Wanda's pov-

We rush inside the room where the cell is located and I see a beautiful girl, I rush to her cell 'hey are you okay?' I say and she stands up, she keeps singing as purple balls of energy are forming into her hands

'hey it is okay, we are the avengers, we are here to save you' Nat says who stands next to me, the girl stops her singing and lowers her hands but the energy balls keep twirling in her hands

While Nat is trying to open the cell I look at the girl 'what is your name?' I ask 'subject three' she answers 'no, I mean... what is your real name?' I say and look into her y/e/c eyes where I get lost in 'Y/n' she says Y/n... wow but I get out of my thoughts when the door opens

'we found an prisoner' Nat says in her earpiece and I extend my hand for the girl but then she attacks me, her energy flows towards me as I quickly defend myself with my powers, her eyes get back to her normal eye color as she looks confused and shocked. Nat jolts at her and holds her hands behind her back.

'trust us, you don't have to be scared' I say and walk over to her, her eyes flash purple for a second as I place my hands on the sides of her head, closing my eyes I make her pass out so we can take her with us without hesitation, we need to check what they've done to her. As I open my eyes she is close to passing out

'what have you done?' Nat asks 'making her pass out so we can take her without hesitation, she needs to get checked, her powers got triggered by her singing' I say and Nat nods

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