🟠⚫ || Thanos || T.S || ✔

978 15 1

Tony Stark is Y/n's father

Wanda Maximoff is Y/n's girlfriend

-Y/n's pov-

WE fought Thanos but we didn't win... Thanos gets the time stone from Strange... he just gave it. Great. We lost the time stone too... Suddenly I am getting choked and I look around, Peter is next to me and he is getting choked by an henchman of Thanos 

'and now... Choose Stark. Who do you take? Parker or your daughter' Thanos speaks up, now I notice that the other henchman is choking me 'd-dad?' I say and he looks at me, then at Strange who nods 'give Peter here' he says and my blood runs cold.

Thanos looks at me and I shake my head, the other henchman lets Peter go who runs to my father 'leave, before I am going to kill you all!' Thanos shouts and they all hesitate but leave, the other henchman lets go of me and Thanos walks over to me but I walk backwards 'Y/n, I am not going to hurt you' Thanos says

'that isn't what I would expect from you' I say, I hold my fingers on my blasters of my suit, ready to attack him 'now you saw that your father chose a spider boy over his own daughter, I wanted to show you how bad of a father he is' he says and I realize it, he chose Peter and not his own daughter

'you're right...' I mutter and look up at him 'so, want to get revenge?' He then says with a quirky smirk and hold his hand up, the gauntlet...

'what is your plan?' I ask and his smirk grows wider 'getting the stones, it'll won't be a problem, I have five of the six stones' he explains and I give him a nod 'the last one, is the mind stone' he says and my eyes widen for a moment Vision...

'you know about it?' he then asks, I look up at him 'I do but what is your plan?' I ask 'because it sounds like you want to wipe out half of the creatures on this universe' I say 'that is my plan' he says 'but I can't make that happen?' I say 'you want revenge?' he asks and I nod 'then do as I tell you' he says.  

-5 years later-

A lot of things happened what I couldn't have imagined... I am with Thanos's army, I am the new ruler. After Thanos snapped, half of the people on earth were gone, he went to a safe place and got killed by the Avengers who came by, luckily I wasn't there.

I was at base, we got a message that I had to take over, I took over a few planets and it is pretty fun, I just keep earth suffer from what had happened, after all my father left me for a boy he had met a few years before what had happened, I was his daughter for god sakes. 

'you've got to order us to do something' Ebony Maw jr. says, his father died in Spring 2018, when the fight was 'I know, but I have no idea what you guys can do' I say 'let us take over a new planet or something, we want to do something, everyone is trained!' he says

'yeah, yeah, patience. First let someone look up what planets we can take over, after that i'll sent you away' I say and he nods before leaving 'you okay?' Pyroxamine asks, she's the daughter of Proxima Midnight, also died the same day when Ebony died. 

'yeah, yeah. Just stressed, I don't know what to do, kinda miss Nat' I say, whispering the last part 'it'll come around, we still have a big army and your father got what he wanted' she says 'yeah... my father' I say. 

-Natasha's pov-

'I know you got a lot on the line. You got a wife, a daughter. But I lost something very important to me. A lotta people did. And now, now we have a chance to bring her back... bring everyone back, even your older daughter! and now you're telling me that you won't even...' Scott is rambling 

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