⚫🟠🔵 || don't become like your mother || N.R || ✔

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I have changed a few things for the storyline. Also I know it looks weird that Steve is 28 but I have tried finding how old he is when he's with the avengers but I can't find anything about it so I grabbed his age, the time he was frozen etc etc.

Timeline: 2016

Y/n is 16 born in 2000
Wanda is 18 born in 1998
Nat is 38 born in 1978
Steve is 98 (28) born in 1918

I was listening to Skyfall of Adele while writing this story and damn.

-Y/n's pov-

'Y/n, we graduate you as the black widow' Madam B says and no emotion is displayed on my face. I am Y/n Romanova, daughter of the last black widow.

Every girl in the red room is called a widow, but only the best widow is called the black widow, my mother, Natasha Romanoff was the last widow, but she left me here and now I managed to get that title.

I have been in the red room my entire life and I have been training, now I have graduated as the black widow 'thank you, madam B. I won't disappoint you' I say

'you won't' she says and I nod, leaving the room. I get to the sleeping part and all the widows of my age are there talking, when I walk inside, it grows silent

I don't have any friends, they're distracting, that is why I am the best here, even better than the older girls.

I get to my bed and lay down 'oh Y/n is back the oh so called "new Black widow" pathetic' one of those bitches says, I turn my head towards her and she laughs with other widows, they're the pathetic ones, not even focussing on their training

'at least I already graduated' I say and stand up 'that's a lie, you could never' she says 'instead of talking shit about others, I have been training and yes I did' I say and stand up.

'you can't even do the side kicks' she says 'what do you know? Have you seen me train?' I ask as I walk towards her, she then laughs 'no, gosh I wouldn't want to see you train' she says and I jump towards her, giving her a side kick to her jaw, immediately knock her out.

I land and a small smirk rests on my face 'pathetic' I say and walk away, then the door opens and older widows walk into the room 'what happened here?!' one asks and I walk towards the exit 'Y/n attacked Sasha!' one of the widow bitches say and the older widow holds me back

'why?' she asks 'she disrespected me, she's just talking with her pathetic little friends and not focussing on becoming a proper widow' I say and push her away, walking out of the sleeping room.

Then one of the older widows walks after me 'Y/n' she says, I turn around and look at her, she's 20 I think?

'what?' I ask 'General Dreykov wants to see you' she says and I nod 'good luck' she says 'thanks' I say and walk towards his office, two guards are guarding the door 'General wanted to see me' I say and they open the doors.

I walk inside 'general' I say 'ah my new amazing black widow' he says and I show no emotion 'I will send you on a mission, to kill the avengers' he says

'who are the avengers?' I ask and he shows me something on his hologram screen, a team of superheroes.

'Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Thor Odinson and Vision?' I ask

'yeah, they're powerful but you can handle that, get all your stuff and a jet will be ready for you in an hour' he says and I nod

'thank you' I say and leave. I get to madam B 'black widow' she says 'I am going on a mission, I need guns and a suit.' I say

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