🔵 || Awkward pt. 2 || E.O || ✔

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People requested pt. 2 of this and I am honestly not sure if I love it but here y'all are!

- Y/n's pov-

The Maximoffs, a serie where Wanda and Y/n live the "perfect" life, amazing. I walk onto the set and I am honestly amazed 'wow' I mutter and I look around. 

'Y/n, good to see you!' It's Joe 'hey Joe!' I say and hug him 'Liz is already in makeup, please get there too because we'll be starting in a few hours' he says and I nod, quickly putting all my stuff in my trailer before hurrying into the trailer for makeup 

'hey Y/n!' the staff says 'hey!' I say and Liz smiles at me, I just sit down and don't spare a glance towards her, I need to focus on my role. 

I get put on my dress and Elizabeth wears a power suit, which suits her well, I am in a typical 1950's dress and I love it. 

Elizabeth and I walk on set and get put into our positions 'Y/n just walk inside the kitchen as Lizzie is already there, cleaning up the kitchen and play out the scene' Joe explains and I nod, there is even live audience.

I sigh and wait for my signal, I walk into the room and see Elizabeth, waving around her hands, plates fly into the air and I quickly duck away from one 

'my wife and her flying sources' I say and she laughs 'and my wife with her incredible reflexes' she says and I laugh. She walks towards me 

'aren't we a fine family?' she asks and kisses the side of my head 'we are' I say and look into her eyes, I then look away and see the calendar 

'is there something special about today?' I ask 'well I know the suit is a bit too much, dear, but I am trying to blend in' she says.

'no, no. There on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date' I say 'oh yes the heart' she says and turns towards me 'well don't tell me you have forgotten, N/n' she says 'forgotten?' I ask 

'oh, Wands, I am incapable of forgetfulness, I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration' I say 

'well then tell me what's so important about today's date' she says and I wait for a few seconds 'what was the question again?' I ask 'oh well, perhaps, you've forgotten yourself' I say and walk away 

'me? Heavens, no, I've been looking so forward to it' she says 'as have I. Today we are celebrating...' I say 'you bet we are' she says with a smirk 'it's the first time we...' she starts

'mhm?' I ask 'have ever celebrated this occasion before' she says 'it's a special day' I say 'perhaps an evening' she says 'of great significance' I say 'to us both' she says 'naturally' I say 'obviously' she says and comes closer 'exactly' I say and she kisses me, this isn't in the script?!

She slowly pulls away and smirks, ending the scene 'great choice to add the kiss Liz' Joe compliments Elizabeth, who smiles and looks at me, I just raise my eyebrow and walk away from them.

But Joe catches up with me 'Y/n, Y/n, Y/n' he says and I turn towards him 'you seem tense, why is that?' he asks 'it's nothing' I say and look away

'you know you can tell me everything' he says 'Elizabeth is my ex-wife and now we have to play as if we're a couple again, I don't know if I can do that' I say

'you are an amazing actor, you can do that' he says and I laugh 'I hope so' I say and he smiles 'you are, don't doubt yourself' he says and walks away, I take a deep breath and walk back on set. 


A long day of shooting over, finally. 'Y/n' I hear Elizabeth's voice, I turn around with my phone in my hand, on a chat with Ariana Grande 'yeah?' I ask

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