🔵 || Tourettes || P.P || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

Hey! I am Y/n Stark, I am the daughter of the famous Tony and Pepper Stark, I am seventeen years old and I live with the avengers, people describe me as a remarkable young woman, with great intelligence and my fierce determination. 

However, daily, I have to face the challenge that sets me apart from others.. I have Tourette's syndrome. Tourette's syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes me to make involuntary movements and/or sounds.

These are called tics, most of my tics are head jolts or whistling, all of the avengers are used to it, Nat and I have this thing that whenever I whistle and we're not in the same room, she whistles back, she told me that it's a thing she did with her sister and I find that cute. 

I also have a few other tics like scratching my nose, blinking rapidly, twitching my nose, uncontrollably moving my fingers and other small things.

Living with my family, the avengers provides me a supportive surrounding, they all help me when I struggle with it. 

I am in the living room with Thor, Wanda, Steve, Vision and Clint, Nat is in the kitchen, making some food as Bruce is in the lab, and my father? no idea.

On that moment my father walks in, but i see a new face. I frown and whistle, causing Nat to whistle back, she then walks back to the living room with an cut up apple 

'hey who's this?' she asks, giving me a piece 'guys, this is Peter Parker, the newest addition' dad says and my head jolts 'so what are his ability?' I ask.

'he's spiderman' dad says and Peters eyes widen 'mr. Stark!? you just tell them?' he asks and we laugh, I whistle 

'why? did it have to be a secret?' Wanda asks 'I mean-' he starts 'you'll see them more often from now on, kid' dad says and walks towards us 

'hey Y/n, how are you?' dad asks, kissing my forehead 'good' I say and stand up 'hey, Y/n Stark. Nice to meet you!' I say and shake his hand, on that moment my head jolts 'oh my god, are you okay?!' he asks 

'just my tics. I have tourette's syndrome' I tell him 'what is that?' he asks 'it's a neurological disorder that causes me to make involuntary movements' I explain 'and sounds' Wanda adds 

'thanks Wands' I tell her 'wow, is it hard to live with?' he asks 'sometimes, like when I am in public, people stare at me when some of my tics kick in' I tell 'that must be difficult' he says 'well I have these people with me' I say and I blink rapidly.


So it has been a while, Peter has grown more used to the tics but I can read him, he doesn't quite understand it. 

Right now we're both in the lab, Bruce and dad are talking about Jarvis and a newer update for her.

As I pick up a screwdriver, my eyes squint causing me to blink rapidly, I look at Peter, who is looking at me, I smile softly at him 

'that's also one of my tics, but not one that happens a lot' I explain 'I tend to squint my eyes, then I blink rapidly to relieve the sensation' I add

 'ah okay, thank you for explaining' he says and I chuckle 'no problem, Pete' I say and we both smile.

'what about when you twitch your nose like that?' Peter asks, causing me to laugh softly, and on that moment my nose twitches

'you caught that one, it's another tic of mine. Sometimes it feels like something tickles my nose, so I twitch it to ease the sensation. It's quite handy when something actually does tickle' I explain

We then move on to another task, but this one is quite harder, I put my hands on the desk and think, unknowingly, my fingers flex rhythmically, as if I am playing a piano. 

I notice in the corner of my eye that Peter is watching me  'you've spotted the piano fingers' I say and look at him, he grows red 'sorry, didn't mean to stare. But what's the deal with them?' he asks 

'they're one of my more playful tics. When something is difficult, I imagine I'm performing a majestic concerto whenever they strike the keys of the invisible piano' I explain

I can see that he admires it and I smile softly 'you know. I think it's incredible how you turn these tics into something positive. It truly shows your strength' he says 

'thank you, Pete. It doesn't define me, it's just a part of who I am, and I've learnt to accept and love every aspect of myself, tics included' I say and chuckle, my fingers stop.

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