🔵|| 'I'm sick' || E.O || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

I wake up with an sore throat, my nose blocked, an headache and I felt cold and hot at the same time. I groan as I roll around in the bed of Lizzie's and mine's trailer, well it is her's on the set of Avengers.

Lizzie hasn't seen me in this state yet because I woke up later than her. She is in the middle of filming Avengers Endgame right now and I am staying at the set because I won't see her much if I am at our home.

I get up from my bed, my legs are like jelly. I change into sweats and sweatpants and comb my hair, splash water in my face before getting out of the trailer, it is silent so I think they are filming.

I walk towards where they are filming and I see that they are filming, I walk towards Anthony and Joe Russo, the directors. And stand next to them, they look at me and both give me a smile. Soon the scene ends 'good job everyone, take a small pause we'll start in five minutes' Joe says and they turn to me

'why are you late?' Anthony jokes 'I'm sick' I say and chuckle before inhaling 'damn, why are you here then, why don't stay in bed/' Joe asks 'wanted to support my girlfriend, you know' I say and laugh. Two arms wrap around my waist 'hey baby' Lizzie mutters

'hey' I say with my hoarse voice 'what is wrong with you?' she asks and stands next to me, wrapping one of her arms around my waist 'your girlfriend here is sick' Joe says and Lizzie looks at me 'then what are you doing here?' she asks and I look at her

'supporting you, I am always on set' I say and she shakes her head 'let's get you back to bed' she says 'take care of her Lizzie, it seems really bad, come back in around twenty minutes' Joe says and she nods, we walk away and on that moment my legs give up and I lose balance, Lizzie is quick to catch me and she chuckles 'poor you' she says and lifts me up bridal style, we get to the trailer and she gets me back in bed

Lizzie gives me tea with honey, an aspirin and cuddles with me before she has to leave again, I decide to get some sleep.

'baby?' I hear Lizzie's voice, I groan and cough 'babe, are you still in bed?' Lizzie asks and sees me in bed. I hear her gasp and cover my head 'you look worse than first?' she asks and I pull of the blanket off of my head and glare at her.

'oh baby...' she mutters and quickly gets to our kitchen and puts on the kettle, she comes back with a glass of water and two aspirin 'here, take this' she says but I shake my head 'everything I eat or drink will come right back up...' I say, I have puked at least four times in the time that Lizzie was gone.

'do I have to force you to take this?' she says with a stern look and a raised eyebrow, I shake my head but groan. She puts it down on the nightstand, she helps me sit up and gives me the aspirin and water, I gulp it down and cough 'look that wasn't so bad' she cooed

I just glare at her and she chuckles. She then comes into the bed 'wait no, love don't... you'll become sick' I say 'I don't care, you need cuddles' she says and opens her arms, I sigh in defeat and crawl towards her, laying with my head on her chest.

Lizzie is stroking my hair softly as I am just laying there. My head starts to hurt and I groan 'what is wrong love?' she asks 'my head...' I say 'I'll get some water for you' she says and lays me next to her before standing up

She walks towards the kitchen and I crawl up in the blanket as I become cold 'hey Scar' Lizzie then says 'where is Y/n, I didn't see her on set?' I hear Scar say 'Y/n's really sick, like really. And you know how she is' Lizzie says and Scar appears into the trailer

'oh damn' she says and sits down on the bed 'hey' she says and I chuckle 'hey' I answer 'you're cold?' she asks and I nod 'Lizzie she's cold' Scar says and walks towards Lizzie

'I'll make Chris get more blankets, oh and I'll sent RDJ to get her the best aspirins, oh and Jeremy can get the cough syrup so she'll become better and come support us at set' she says and I giggle 'do what you can do, Scar' Lizzie says and Scar leaves.

Lizzie walks towards me with two cups of tea 'you okay?' she asks and I shake my head 'I'm cold' I say and she laughs as I cough. She gets into the bed and snuggles with me.

-Scarlett's pov-

'Chris, RDJ, Jeremy!' I shout and they turn around 'Y/n's sick so we've got to move guys!' I say 'what do I need to get?' they ask at the same time and I laugh 'Chris get more blankets for her because she is cold, RDJ get the best aspirins for her and Jeremy get the cough syrup' I say and they start running

'where are my stars going?' Joe jokes 'Y/n's sick so they're getting her stuff' I say and he laughs 'she's really sick, isn't she?' he asks 'it's pretty bad' I say and he nods 'well I want my stars back in thirty minutes' he says and I give him a nod 'they will be back by then' I say.

Ten minutes later the boys come running back in, Chris has seven blankets as RDJ and Jeremy are carrying bags 'let's go' they say and they run towards Lizzie's and Y/n's trailer. I quickly walk after them

-Y/n's pov-

Suddenly the door gets opened and I look at it, Chris, RDJ and Jeremy are in the doorpost 'we got you blankets, medicine and food' they say and hold up blankets, medicine and food. I give them a chuckle as they get inside and give me the stuff, Chris brought me seven fluffy blankets 'thanks guys' I say and cough

'don't worry, just get well soon' Jeremy says 'I want to have a party and without you it isn't fun so hurry up and get well' RDJ says and I laugh 'I hope that I am better tomorrow' I say 'nuh-uh, tomorrow you are staying in your bed' Lizzie says and we all laugh 'Lizzie you are acting like you are her mom' Scar says from the doorpost.

I sneeze and everyone laughs because it was a high-pitched one 'hey! Don't laugh, that hurts my throat!' I say but they keep laughing, I just huff. We talk for a while and after fifteen minutes they have to leave and I get some more sleep.

-Two days later-

I woke up in Lizzie's arms, it is still early and I feel really good, I didn't feel sick last night and I could sleep without a blocked nose. Suddenly Lizzie stirs and I know that she is waking up 'morning' I say with the voice that I don't have, because of the coughing I lost my voice

'ahw how are you feeling?' she asks 'pretty good' I say and cough, hoping to get my voice back but it doesn't work

'I am trying it today. You know, after two days of being sick I want to see you work' I say and she nods 'I understand' she says and we get up, she makes breakfast and we change into comfortable clothes.

We get out of the trailer and Scarlett, RDJ, Chris, Tom and Jeremy are talking with Joe and Anthony 'morning!' Lizzie says and everyone turns to us 'morning! Hey Y/n, are you feeling better?' they all ask and I nod 'what did you have?' Tom asks 'probably the flu' I say with my voice that isn't even a voice

'what?' RDJ, Chris and Jeremy say. I just raise my middle finger because they are just teasing me, they just laugh and that makes me also laugh, I love this family.

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