🔵 || Interview || H.S || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

Hey, I am Y/n Y/l/n, I am a twenty-two year old actress and I play Y/n Maximoff in the mcu series. Oh yeah! I have been dating Hailee Steinfeld in secret for the past two months. 

Today we're having an interview about an upcoming movie, The Young Avengers, where Hailee, Tom, Flo and I are attending, Andrew and Tobey couldn't come because they are a surprise for the movie, sadly Zendaya had a photoshoot and Jacob couldn't come. 

We're all sitting around a desk and Hailees hand is over mine in my lap and no one sees it, her thumb is rubbing over my knuckles softly. I giggle softly when Flo is dancing on a number she is liking, Hailee turns her head to me and gives me a smile, we're sitting next to each other while this radioist is interviewing us 

'okay, so first about the movie, who wants to explain what it is about?' the radioist asks, I look at Hailee and she is looking at Tom and Flo who are looking at me 'well Tom isn't gonna speak because he is gonna spoil' Flo quickly says and we all laugh 

'okay so, the movie. In the last Spiderman movie there was this Mysterio who revealed Spiderman his identity at the end of the film, in this film you'll see how Peter Parker is reacting to it. So, he goes to Dr. Strange who wants to help him, it goes wrong and many things happen, then we'll come and help Peter with restorating his life, then these weird ass monsters from other universes appear and we have to fight against them, more I can't tell' I explain and they all give me a reassuring nod

'we saw, for example, in the trailer the Goblin and Doctor Otto Octavius, does that mean that Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire will appear in this movie?' he asks 'we can't tell about who is appearing in the movie' Hailee says.

He asks some more questions. 'so, onto the questions of the fans, firstly one for you all. What is the best part of playing your character?' he asks 'the best part of playing spiderman is just being hooked on things, I can swing, turn and do flips and it is really amazing' Tom answers 

'Florence?' the radioist asks 'playing Yelena Belova... I think just because she's so badass and Russian, I really like that' she answers 'Hailee, tell us' the radioist says 'playing Kate Bishop, I think how clumsy she is, she really wants to become the next Hawkeye and it is really fun playing this chaotic and clumsy girl' she says 

'and lastly, Y/n?' the radioist says 'uhm, yeah the best part of playing Y/n Maximoff is that I get to work with great and amazing actors that first and that fact that she's the daughter of the litteral Wanda Maximoff' I say and chuckle 

'okay, what is your favourite ice cream flavor?' the radioist asks 'definitely mint chocolate chip' Tom answers 'I would say... cookie dough' Florence answers 'I'd say, oreo' Hailee answers and I nod 'me too, me too' I agree and we chuckle. 

'okay to the questions for each person, Tom. What was your most embarrassing moment on set?' 'that one time we were shooting Endgame where Captain america is saying assemble, I didn't hear the que so I started running and shouting but then I noticed that everyone wasn't with me and I had to walk back to all my childhood heroes in shame because I messed up' he says and we all chuckle 

'Florence, why did you want to become an actor?' he asks 'I really liked acting on such young age and started auditioning, then I came here in america and auditioned for Yelena Belova, I have done a few big movies but I think that playing Yelena Belova is my best character that I am playing' she explains'

'Hailee, what are your long-term career goals?' 'I think becoming bigger and better in the acting world, also having fun, a lot' she says and I chuckle

'lastly, Y/n. There is a rumor that you are in a relationship, is that true?' the radioist asks 'uhm-' I say and look down at my hand and Hailees hand. My cheeks start to redden.

'she is definitely in a relationship' Tom says and I chuckle soft 'are you Y/n Y/l/n?' Hailee then joins and I look up at her, she is looking at me with a small smirk on her lips

'let's twist the question, Hailee Steinfeld, are YOU in a relationship?' I decide to tease her, her eyes widen a bit and she looks at the others 'I-uh.' she looks back at me 'well, tell us' I say and lean closer to her 

'I indeed am' she says and everyone turns their heads to her 'but boys still ask you out?' the interviewer asks 'yeah they do, I just don't go' Hailee answers 'and who's your lover, Hailee?' the radioist asks 

'the person is in this room' she answers, they all look at each other but suddenly look at me and my eyes widen 'Tom is with Zendaya... Flo is with Timothee...' (just liked this for the plot hahah) 

'and you had to fuck it up' I mutter to Hailee 'nah, I want to show them that you're mine' she whispers to me and everyone is still looking at us 'so, let's ask the question again, Y/n Y/l/n, are you in a relationship?' Hailee asks and I start to laugh 

'okay, okay, yeah I am' I say and look at her 'and who's your lover?' Tom teases, he looks at Hailee and they smirk at each other, then I know what they did 'Elizabeth Chase Olsen' I say and they all widen their eyes 'WHAT?!' some say 

'haha no I am just joking, it is Hailee Caribe Steinfeld' I say 'since when are you two dating?' the radioist asks, I look at Hailee who wraps her arm around my shoulders 'two months' she answers and pulls me close 'I knew it!' Florence shouts 'you told Tom, didn't you?' I ask Hailee and she nods 'and not even me!' Flo says and we all laugh 'sorry Flo' Hailee says and we chuckle. We continue the interview and after a little while we leave. 

We walk out of the studio and I quickly cover my face, many paparazzi is here, I feel a hand snaking in mine and I look to my side, Hailee, my lover. 

We walk to our car and  get inside, Tom and Flo get inside and the driver drives off 'damn, you two have caught a lot of attention' Flo says after a little while, she shows us her phone and we read the article, it says that Hailee and I are the newest young power couple in the acting world

I look at Hailee and she looks at me with a smile, her hand snakes around my waist and she pulls me towards her, I lay my head on her shoulder and close my eyes for a second 'take a rest, baby' she whispers and I nod. 

-Time skip-

'Y/n, baby wake up' I hear a soft voice, I open my eyes and see that I am still in the car, but we're not driving, I look around and Hailee, Tom and Flo are with my car 'we're here, sleepyhead' Flo says and I chuckle, we get out of the car and get inside the office

We're having a meeting with the cast, Lizzie, Paul, Benedict and more people are here, as soon as we enter the office Lizzie runs towards me 'really, two months and you didn't tell me?!' she says and I chuckle 'exactly!' Flo shouts and we all laugh 'sorry, Liz' I say and give her a hug. 

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