🔵 || New Teacher || N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

I walk into my school, tonight we're having the premiére of our musical, the one I wrote by myself (this really happened in my life, most amazing moment) so I am at school till late, I start with physics, pretty fun.

We don't have to any physics work, we can work on anything that we want, I am sitting in the left corner with my best friends: Kaylee, Nick and Chase. Kaylee and I decide to film us while we're working, well, we're not working

Kaylee is playing a game that she's obsessed with and I am learning my lines for the musical, we do pretty weird things while we're filming, we don't do it on purpose, just weird things.

SO fast forward, we have math, our last math lesson before the exam week, this math teacher is also leaving the school to study, he's like twenty-three or something. I play a game on my ipad with Nick which wasn't allowed, we we're playing online pooling so our teacher walks around and we're just concentrated, our teacher says

'what is this?' so I answer with 'pooling' and turn back to my game, this teacher says 'I see but why are you doing this?' 'because we were allowed to do whatever we wanted, that's what you said' I say 'I was talking about learning for your exams' he says and keeps looking, I beat Nick in the game

'okay clear it up' our teacher says which I never heard, so we continued and our teacher comes back 'okay come here' he says and grabs my ipad 'wait, wait, wait, okay' I say and turn it off 'why did you take it away?!' I say as my teacher is walking away

'because I told you to stop' he says 'when!' I say, I really didn't know when he told me to stop 'a few minutes ago' he answers, I look at Kaylee and Chase 'he did say that' Kaylee says 'I didn't even notice' I say and chuckle.

So the rest of the lesson we were just talking and having fun 'can I grab my ipad?' I ask my teacher and he nods, I quickly grab my ipad and say bye to him, telling him that I had a fun year with him.

I walk with Kaylee, Chase and some others to our usual spot where we have recess, two big picnic tables where we sit with around fifteen of our friends, always fun 'did you guys hear about the new teacher?' Harrison says

'what new teacher?' I ask 'the new English teacher (yes they said english) 'yeah, her name is Natasha Romanoff, she's a pain in the ass but hella beautiful' he says, I choke on my water 'you're joking?' I ask 'no, do you know her or something?' Mason asks

'uh, no. What is her classroom?' I ask 'six' Harrison answers nad I quickly get up from the table 'I am going to get some food so, be right back!' I say and get down the stairs, I pay for some food in the cafe and walk around the halls

I walk towards classroom six but some of my friends from a lower year are always sitting in front of that classroom so they see me and walk towards me, Macey and Florence 'hey!' I say and give them hugs

They're in my musical group so I know them through that, I also know some of their friends but not as good as I know Macey and Flo 'did you hear about the new teacher?' I ask them 'yeah, she's in classroom six' Flo answers

'oh nice, do you have her for English?' I ask 'no, she only has the third and fourths (we have in highschool a weird thing, you get an advice so my advice has four years)

'ah nice' I say. I start to think about all her moments in the Avengers movies 'Y/n!' Macey shout and I turn to her 'sorry' I say and we laugh 'are you nervous?' Flo asks 'very nervous' I say

'you'll do great, you are amazing' Macey says 'you too girls!' I say and smile 'what lessons do you two have next period?' I ask them 'we have french' Flo answers

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