🔵🔴 || Just sneak out, she won't find out. || N.R || ✔

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-Y/n's pov-

Nat and I have been together for around 2,5 years and she's amazing, she's quite protective but it's fine, she's the best girlfriend I could imagine. 

'kotenok, I am going to the store to get some food for tonight, don't go outside, okay?' Nat says as she walks into the living room 

'yeah sure' I say as I don't look away from the tv, where my serie is playing, she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her 'I love you' she says and kisses me 'I love you too' I say and she smiles. 

I hear the front door close and I grab my phone, seeing that my best friend Donna has texted me 

D: Hey Y/n, tonight I'll be hosting my birthday party, personally I would like if you come tonight. The girls and I miss you, we haven't seen you in a while beacause of that stupid girlfriend of yours.

Donna doesn't like Nat, she thinks that she's is possessive, protective and controlling, but I think that Nat is just protective, she isn't possessive or controlling. Okay well maybe a little possessive.

Y: I'd love that, but I don't think that Nat allows me to go outside tonight.
D: just sneak out, she won't find out.
Y: don't know if that's a good idea.
D: look she keeps you from seeing your friends, that is controlling Y/n, just sneak out, you'll be fine!
Y: okay fine, what time do I have to be at yours?
D: yess! around eleven is good.
Y: good see you there <3
D: see you there, love you!
Y: love you too


I am ready to go to the party, I have my dress under my sweatshirt and sweatpants and right now we're eating dinner.

'I have to do some office work after dinner so just watch some tv or get to bed, okay love?' she asks 'sounds great' I say and she smiles, we eat in silence.


Right now Nat is in her office and I am in our room, I am done and it's almost eleven. I grab my stuff and open the door, hearing her type away on her keyboard as she's in her office. I hold my heels in my right hand and sneak through the house. 

Right now I'm in the living room 'Going somewhere, kotenok?' I hear Nat's voice behind me, my eyes widen and I freeze. I turn around and see her standing there, arms crossed over each other.

'uh baby, I was just-' I start but she interrupts me 'sneaking out without my consent?' she asks 'but how did you know-' I start but she laughs.

'you silly girl. I installed security cameras all over the house remember?' she asks and I mentally facepalm myself.

'in the kitchen. in the garage. in the hallways. And here in the living room. You see. while I was peacefully checking all the security cameras from my computer monitor. I suddenly saw you in your cute short little dress at the door trying to sneak your way out' she says and I sigh

'So tell me. Where do you think you're going this late at night?' Hm?' she asks 'I was... I was going to a party' I admit 'to a party?' she asks and laughs 

'at 11 o'clock?' she adds 'sweetheart. You're way past curfew now. What time is your curfew again?' she asks and I look out the window.

'9 o'clock right?' she asks, I look at her and nod. 'yeah... You're not allowed to go out anymore.' she says 'but baby, I have to go it's Donna's birthday' I say 'my answer is still no' she says shortly.

'babe..' I start 'it's late. Plus, it's dangerous going out at this time' she adds 'I understand you don't want me to go but..' I start 'but what? Is it really so important to you?' she asks 

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