⚫🔵 || Y/n Parker || P.P || ✔

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All the Avengers are living together, this is happening in Spiderman Homecoming
Y/n Parker is 16
Peter Parker is 16
Wanda Maximoff is 22
Natasha Romanoff is 29
Steve Rogers is 32
Tony Stark is 37


'Y/N!' I shout, we were fighting Liz's father but when mr. Starks plane crashed and I lost track of her, I defeated him but still no track of her. I am looking around until I see a fragile body, a red and blue suit... 'Y/N!' I shout once again, I run towards her

Ignoring the pain in my entire body and ignoring every sound around me and I drop onto my knees as I arrive next to her, she is lifeless 'Y/n...' I mutter and start to sob. Flashing lights surround me 'Peter? Peter!' I hear Happy's voice

'she's gone... She's gone...' I mutter and I hear a faint 'oh...' he then helps me up 'I shouldn't have let her help me...' I mutter 'it's okay, Tony will be here any second' he says and I get out of his grip, I walk towards my sister and lift her up, I then hear whooshing and I turn around, not only Mr. Stark is here, his entire team

'oh...' I mutter 'oh god Peter...' Tony says as he looks at Y/n 'uhm, yeah' I say and look down at her, tears start to swell in my eyes 'my team will take care... uhm of her' he says and a team walks towards me, grabbing her from me

'NO, Don't!' I start to struggle but they walk away, Happy holds me back 'Peter, it is okay' mr. Stark says and I turn back to him 'NO, I JUST LOST MY TWIN SISTER!' I shout and his eyes go wide, apparently he didn't know that about her.

'I-I-I should've never let her come with me' I mutter and start to breathe faster and faster 'he's having a panic attack' I hear a strong European voice, I look up and in my blurry vision, I see a redhead walking over to me

'you know what to do, Wanda?' Mr. Stark asks and she nods 'Peter, right?' she asks and I nod 'okay, you need to tell me three things you see' she starts

'uhm, fire... You... and Mr. Stark' I ramble 'tell me two things you can eat' she says and I start to calm down 'chocolate... and... Apples?' I say

'one thing you can drink' 'water' I answer and I am calmed down 'good job' she says and I sigh 'let's get to the compound, I've ringed your aunt that you're with me' Mr. Stark says and takes me with him to the literal QUINJET.

-Two weeks later-

Two weeks have passed since my sisters death, the funeral was held one week ago... a sixteen year old girl...

I have been living with the Avengers and aunt May is with Happy, we're both sad. Right now I am in the living room, playing videogames with Wanda and Clint, they're amazing, they're trying to keep me from my thoughts. The rest is just on their phones or laptops, working.

'Peter my team found this is Y/n's room, it's a letter addressed to you' Mr. Stark says and hands me a letter, I lay down my controller and open it

Dear Peter,
My twin, my younger brother, I am still six minutes older than you ;)
This letter is for you, I don't know when I want to give it to you but I hope when I give this, it was the right time. I want to admit something. The birthday parties, you always demanded to have your own birthday, but I didn't want it, you never knew why... I hope you do now, it's because I knew that no one wanted to come to yours, we combined ours every year so that you still have people coming for you, it's hard to say this because it sounds so selfish but I heard it, people said it where I was, but don't worry, I always defended you, they were selfish and don't know anything about you. You are my little brother, my amazing twin brother, you're sweet, careful, funny, beautiful, clumsy, smart, caring and the best brother I can imagine. I love you brother, just keep that in mind <3

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