🔵🔴 || 'you're mine, my obsession' || W.M || ✔

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Nothing to do with the Avengers. Wanda Maximoff is the unknown serial killer who has an obsession with someone certain.

TW: Smut, yandere, obsessive behaviour, blood. 

-Y/n's pov-

I am on my way to the club, there I'll meet my best friends Caleb and Donna, we decided to go to the club because the three of us wanted to get wasted.

I arrive at the club and it's busy, I roll my eyes as I see the line in front of the club, but luckily Donna walks out of the club 'come Y/n!' she says and grabs my hand, we walk past the security guard, her father owns the club so we get inside easily.

We get our drinks and start dancing, it's a vibe and I like it. Suddenly someone puts their hand on my waist and I look over my shoulder, a redhead.

I smile at her and she pulls me towards her 'Wanda, nice to meet you' she says in my ear 'Y/n' I say and we start dancing.

She looks familiar but I can't pin it, maybe it's just the alcohol. 'want another drink?' she asks 'screwdriver (vodka with orange juice), please' I say and she nods.

She walks away and on that moment Donna and Caleb walk over to me 'whose that girl?' they asks 'Wanda, just met her' I say

'oohhh, Y/n's getting laid tonight' Donna says and I roll my eyes 'easy there, Don' I say and she laughs 'oh who are these lovely people?' the strong voice says and I turn towards Wanda

'We're Caleb and Donna, friends of Y/n' donna answers, Wanda nods and wraps her arm around my waist 'nice to meet you two' she says and sips her drink


At the end of the night I am very, very drunk, and Wanda looks very, very attractive right now. She has me pinned against a wall in an alleyway.

'Wanda' I moan as she sucks on my neck 'what is it, baby?' she asks and look into my eyes, her green eyes almost look black.

't-take me' I say and she smirks 'gladly' she says and takes my hand.


I feel her hands all over my body, gripping everything she can get ahold off. She then finally arrives at my core and her fingers slide over my folds as her head buries into my neck, giving me kisses, lovebites and hickeys.

I moan as soon as her fingers enter me, going at a steady pace 'you have to be quiet, princess' she whispers in my ear I nod uncontrollably, her fingers go faster and I raise my hand to my mouth to keep myself quiet 'you're doing so good, my good girl' she says

My climax comes closer and closer causing me to find it very hard to stay silent 'W-wanda, I need t-to' I stutter 'let go, princess' she whispers and with a loud moan I climax

She smirks and brings her fingers up to her mouth, I follow her actions with my eyes and see her put her fingers into her mouth, moaning at the taste.


Wanda and I have been texting back and forth, but since I met her, I always had the feeling that someone is watching me, it's creeping me out.

She invited me at her house for a date so I have to be there around seven, I make myself ready and she told me to wear something red so I did.

She invited me at her house for a date so I have to be there around seven, I make myself ready and she told me to wear something red so I did

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