⚫🔵 || 'I love you, baby' || S.J || ✔

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-February 3th 2014-

I got called in for the role of Katie Romanoff, the little sister of Natasha Romanoff, who is played by the Scarlett Johansson, so cool!

I am really nervous because I've read the script that was given to me and my story will start in the red room, where i'll escape and I find my sister, then there is a robot called Ultron, made by Tony Stark who wants to kill all humanity

He'll team up with two teens, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Wanda and Y/n have a connection through the movie and end as lovers, it's so cool that I'll be playing in a movie with such amazing characters

And oh my god, Elizabeth Olsen is so gorgeous, she has been my celebrity crush for ages, and now I'll be able to play her lover. EEK!


I head to my car and drive to the studio, I am nervous if I have to be honest, I am gonna meet big stars AND my crush.

I stop by for coffee and in half an hour I am at the location, I am on time so I slowly walk inside, as someone walks towards me, we're in a new building and it's a lot bigger than studios I've worked in

I look around when I hear a voice 'hi, you must be Y/n Y/l/n, am I right?' she asks 'yes, that is me' I say 'amazing, I'll bring you to Josh!' she says and we walk towards Josh, our director, who is talking to someone.

'Josh, Y/n Y/l/n arrived' the woman says and Josh turns around 'ah, mrs. Y/l/n, it's a pleasure to meet you!' he says and I shake his hand 'you too mr. Whedon!' I say and he laughs

'please, just say Josh' he says 'then adres me as Y/n, please' I say and he laughs 'I will' he says and takes me on a tour. We walk to a park of trailers and he takes me to mine.

We have a small talk and he tells me to be ready in the meeting area at 8 AM because he is going to explain how we are gonna work on the next movies.

I get inside the trailer and it has a small couch, bed, refrigerator, etc. I am on my phone until it is 7:55 AM and I walk out of my trailer, I walk to the meeting area and notice that many big stars are there.

Jeremy Renner, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, James Spader, Samuel J. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Stan Lee, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle

Oh my god... I think and then Josh turns around 'and this is our amazing actor who plays Katie Romanoff!' he says and everyone turns around, when I see Elizabeth my cheeks heat up, damn she is hotter in real life than in photos

'Hi' I say and smile, they all walk up to me, Elizabeth is the first one who gives me a hug 'nice to meet you, dear. I am Elizabeth, but please call me Lizzie' she says with a sweet smile 'nice to meet you, Lizzie' I say, now Scarlett... SCARLETT FUCKING JOHANSSON IS WALKING TOWARDS ME

'hey, nice to meet you! I am Scarlett, I'll be playing your older sister' she says and gives me a hug 'nice to meet you, Scarlett' I say and give her a smile

'you are totally gorgeous, gosh, I am jealous' she says and I laugh 'oh please, you are Scarlett Johansson, you are the definition of gorgeous' I say and she chuckles 'that's sweet, Y/n' she says.

-March 27th 2015-

So I am freaking out, today is the day that Elizabeth and I will do our kiss scene, so Katie got kidnapped and now she's in the base of Ultron, I am so stressed because I am scared i'll do bad, you know, I'll be kissing THE Elizabeth Olsen

'Y/n to the set!' I hear my name, I sigh, grab my script and water and get out of my trailer, I make my way to set and see everyone 'sorry, I'm here' I say and lay my script and water on my chair and walk to Lizzie, she smiles at me an I smile back.

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